8 Impactful Use Cases For Using AI in Email Marketing

Route Mobile
4 min readJun 30, 2023
Using AI in email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective and cost-efficient ways to communicate with your audience and drive conversions. However, email marketing is also becoming more competitive and challenging, as consumers are inundated with messages every day and have higher expectations for personalization and relevance. That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in. AI is a branch of computer science that enables machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and decision making. AI can help email marketers create better, more engaging, and more profitable email campaigns by automating and optimizing various aspects of email marketing.

1. Subject Line Optimization

The subject line is the first thing your recipients see when they receive your email. It can make or break your open rate, as it determines whether your email stands out in the crowded inbox and sparks curiosity and interest. However, writing a catchy and effective subject line is not easy, as you have to consider factors such as length, tone, emotion, personalization, and relevance. AI can help you optimize your subject lines by analyzing data from previous campaigns and testing different variations to find the best-performing ones. AI can also generate subject lines based on your content, audience, and goals, using natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG) techniques. For example, Sender.net is an email marketing platform that uses AI to create subject lines that match your brand voice and style.

2. Send Time Optimization

Another important factor that affects your email performance is the timing of your email delivery. You want to send your emails when your recipients are most likely to open them and engage with them. However, finding the optimal send time for each individual on your list can be challenging, as it depends on their location, behavior, preferences, and habits. AI can help you optimize your send times by analyzing data from your email campaigns and your recipients’ actions. Send Time Optimization can increase email performance by 93%, making it one of the most effective use cases for email marketing today.

3. Content Personalization

AI can help you personalize your email content by learning about each of your customers and their preferences. AI can then use this information to generate personalized content for each recipient based on their actions and behaviors. Personalized emails can increase click-through rates by 139%. For example, Litmus is an email marketing platform that uses AI to create personalized product recommendations based on what each recipient browsed or purchased on your website.

4. Content Generation

AI can help you generate email content by using NLP and NLG techniques to create human-like text based on your input or data. AI can also help you optimize your email content by suggesting improvements or changes based on best practices or feedback. For example, Unlayer is an email marketing tool that uses AI to generate email copy based on your keywords or goals. 71.2% of Marketers believe that AI can outperform humans in writing content.

5. Email Segmentation

AI can help you segment your email list by analyzing data from your existing customers or subscribers. AI can then use this data to create segments based on factors such as demographics, behavior, preferences, or engagement. AI can also help you discover new segments or opportunities based on patterns or trends in your data. For example, Mailmodo is an email marketing platform that uses AI to segment your email list based on various criteria such as purchase history, surfing behavior, or preferences.

6. Predict Email Outcomes

AI can help you forecast the potential results of your email campaigns based on historical and current data. For example, you can use AI to estimate how many opens, clicks, conversions, or revenue you can expect from a given email campaign or segment. AI can also help you identify the factors that influence your email outcomes and adjust them accordingly.

7. Analyse Campaign Performance

AI can help you measure and improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns by providing insights and recommendations based on data. For example, you can use AI tools like Phrasee Pheelings or Optimizely to run A/B tests or multivariate tests on different elements of your email campaigns, such as subject lines, images, calls-to-action, etc. AI can also help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your email strategy and suggest ways to optimize it.

8. Use AI to generate images for your emails

AI can help you create eye-catching and relevant images for your email content that enhance your message and appeal to your audience. For example, you can use AI to generate logos, banners, illustrations, or infographics based on your keywords or themes. Creating visual content is now the main priority for 55% of B2C content creators and it’s easy to see why: Visuals are effective. Communications that include images result in a 650 percent increase in engagement compared to those that only contain text.


AI is not a replacement for human creativity and intuition, but a powerful tool that can augment and enhance email marketing efforts. By using AI in email marketing, email teams can save time, money, and resources while delivering better results and experiences for their subscribers. AI is here to stay, and email marketers who embrace it will have a competitive edge in the industry. For a detailed consultation on the ever evolving realm of AI, reach out to our experts today.



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