4 Restaurant Grand Opening Ideas That Will Bring A Crowd

Restaurant Insider
2 min readOct 19, 2017


This article originally appeared on Restaurant Insider by Cinnamon Janzer

You’ve got the food and the concept nailed down to a T. You’ve hired the best staff around and you’re all ready to launch your perfectly developed new restaurant — the only thing standing in the way of your concept becoming as successful as you know it can be is a killer restaurant grand opening. While to some it might just seem like nothing more than a fun-filled party, restaurant grand openings are an important restaurant marketing strategy that can make or break early success.

Bottom line: it’s important to stand out from the competition and draw a big crowd.

Here are a few restaurant grand opening ideas that will get you started off on the right foot.

1- Partner with a Charity

Including a charitable element in your grand opening celebrations will not only draw people who like to spend their dollars to support good causes, but it will help you to build relationships within the community. Chron recommends choosing “an organization that is special to your business or to your personal life and [making] the story part of your proportional materials.” The lasting effect will be a positive reputation among those who also support your cause.

Plus, who doesn’t want to support a charitable local business?

2- Offer Free Perks

People love free things, simple as that. Whether it’s complimentary hors devours, a drink on the house, or some swag (branded sunglasses are all the rage these days), having something given to them — especially if it’s something not everyone can get — makes people feel special and develop positive associations with your restaurant and brand. Plus, anytime they toss your shades on, they’ll be reminded of your restaurant and how hungry they just so happen…

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