Bartender Tricks Guaranteed To Boost Tips

Restaurant Insider
2 min readSep 8, 2017


This article originally appeared on Restaurant Insider by Brad Bortone

I remember my bartending days fondly. Not just because of the fun environments, bartender tricks I mastered, or the attention. But because I loved knowing that a few skilled pours could turn faceless liquors into timeless concoctions. Any Joe off the street can splash vodka on ice, throw in some juice and an umbrella, and call it a drink.

But when a bartender cares about making a well-crafted cocktail and puts effort into being conscientious and organized, the art of mixology can be the difference that brings customers back, time and time again.

Now, I won’t be so pretentious as to explain drink-making tips. But rather, I just want to highlight a few items that sometimes get overlooked when running a high-volume operation. Some may be obvious, others might have escaped you, but all are essential if you want your bar to be a true destination and not a “stop along the way.”

Here are 3 bartender tricks you won’t want to forget.

Bartender Trick #1: Be neat.

Most bartenders will greet this tip with a subtle, “Well, duh…” Then they’ll go back to their shift, unaware of the pools of liquor and beer creeping under glassware, juice containers that aren’t sealed, or utensils taking up room in the sink instead of getting sanitized.

I’m not saying they’re dirty. I’m saying it’s easy to overlook basic items when things get busy behind the stick. To avoid this, follow the old adage — if you can lean, you can clean. Bars are constantly covered in drips, crumbs and other residues. Be conscious of where you’re working, and always wipe things down — even if you just wiped the same area.

More importantly, prevent excess mess and waste by setting up neat, organized work areas to make drinks. Have clean utensils and measuring implements at the ready, and be sure spillage is kept in check by measuring properly, paying attention to ice and liquid levels, and keeping the Tom Cruise flair bartending to a minimum.

Bartender Trick #2: Don’t mess with what works.

Because bartending is an art form, it’s easy to fall into the trap of tweaking and fine-tuning things until you achieve the “perfect drink.” But, like any artist, it’s rare that the bartender will ever stop tweaking and tuning, meaning the original, beloved recipes could soon…

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