Donna Brazile Has A Long History Of Very Strange Behavior: From 1988 to Today

Rubio's Amex Card
10 min readNov 5, 2017



In Donna Brazile’s new book she writes about calling Hillary’s HQ and threatening to replace Hillary with Biden.

At first she did this because Hillary caught the flu.

She said she was considering replacing the party’s chosen nominee because she caught a bug.

Ponder on that.

Donna then continued with this threat whenever she felt disrespected by the campaign in Brooklyn, or HRC supporters in DC

Seemingly, she did this over and over again.

She also writes about her belief that Seth Rich was murdered by Russian assassins who were now out to get her.

Her response, ordering heavy duty security at home and at work, including mini blinds in her office to protect her from “snipers”.

Let’s face the facts folks, this ain’t normal.

Donna obviously has some serious mental health problems.

Just read the excerpt of her new book which was published in Sunday’s Washington Post. (Linked below)

These are only two of the numerous “not normal” things that Donna has written about.

Its actually quite shocking that Hatchette let this book be published.

They have taken advantage of someone’s sad, emotional condition in order to generate publicly and sell books.

They have shown no pity for Donna, her problems or how the publication of this book would wound her or others.

But, this ain’t new folks

I know there is no institutional memory in politics and I’ve been around DC politics and media for a long time and can tell you about three other moments in the past when Donna showed such bad judgement, you had to ask whether she needed professional help.

Let’s begin in 1988, nearly thirty years ago.

Donna Brazile got fired from the Dukakis campaign, where she was the asst field director, for saying this on the press bus:

“The American people have every right to know if Barbara Bush will share that bed with him in the White House.”

Later, to a press gaggle, she also called the Vice President” a racist, a liar and a philanderer.’ ‘’

With Trump, this kind of language has become the norm, but in the political world of 1988, it was shocking in a manner unfathomable today.

Looking back on it now, it shows that Donna has had a problem with limits and boundaries, that others understand and follow, from her start in politics.

Most peoples careers in national politics would have ended then, but she has always had powerful supporters and strong constituencies backing her rise.

Due to Washington being a city with a memory span -term limited at four years-she returned to DC and rose in the Party hierarchy, so that by 2000, even though she’d never held anything close to a position like this before, she was named Al Gore’s “campaign manager.”

As you recall, Gore lost and Donna disappeared during the recount and for quite a while afterward.

After the 2000 Gore loss, Brazile turned to high profile Republicans and the GOP media because she felt disrespected by her Democratic peers.

From a 2003 NYTimes piece, by Gore nemesis Kit Seelye, a reporter who never let the truth get in the way of a good story savaging Democrats, in particular Gore, our 2000 Democratic nominee:

“Two years ago, Donna Brazile, then Al Gore’s campaign manager, was engaged in daily combat with Karl Rove, then George W. Bush’s top campaign strategist.

Today, they chirpily exchange e-mail, chat on the phone and write letters, indulging in their shared zeal for the inner workings of politics.

‘’I like her a lot,’’ said Mr. Rove, now ensconced in the West Wing as President Bush’s chief political adviser.

Ms. Brazile, a committed Democrat who was the first black woman to manage a presidential campaign, has built similar relationships with other Republicans, like Grover Norquist, an influential conservative strategist. And her coziness with them comes as she is deeply frustrated with her own party for what she calls years of taking African-Americans for granted and for failing to organize for elections in a coherent way.

In fact, Ms. Brazile’s alienation could well be viewed as emblematic of a Democratic Party in disarray.”

Sound familiar?

Wait, there’s more:

“For the first time in her two decades in politics, she has hung out a shingle as a consultant who wants to be paid as well as other top Democratic strategists for her advice.

These days she pointedly calls herself a ‘’totally independent Democrat.’

And she is not defensive about her chattiness with Republicans.

‘’I call Republicans because I can talk outside the box with them,’’ she said. ‘’I can talk with Democrats, but when I talk with Republicans, I learn a lot more.”

“Moreover, she wants to represent Washington in Congress when her friend Eleanor Holmes Norton retires from the nonvoting delegate’s seat, and it would be hard to be elected here if she were not a Democrat.”

Here is a link to a daily Kos piece about Donna becoming berative and absolutely unprofessional, unpleasant and dismissive of someone who wrote her in 2008.

The author, a Hillary supporter, sent a email to Brazile’s office complaining that she felt Donna had been unfair to HRC on cable news.

Read this in its entirety to get the grasp of Brazile’s mental state in 2008.

I’m making these e-mails public not just because I don’t want to see her on CNN, but because with rumors afoot of her aspirations to be DNC Chair if Obama becomes the nominee, I think it’s important that Democrats see what they would be in for. While I appreciate her willingness to correspond with me, what you can see in these excerpts is an individual who doesn’t have the political saavy to communicate with the public (keep in mind I was an anonymous stranger when she wrote to me) in an appropriate and pro-Party fashion. You can see that she has no problem creating inferences that Hillary Clinton is a racist. You can see that she feels she has no responsibility to stand up against sexism. And you can see most shockingly that she resents Democrats for leaving her out in the cold since managing Al Gore’s losing 2000 campaign, finding the highest praise not for those in the Party she aspires to lead, but for Republicans.
Without further ado, here are some choice excerpts from our exchange. (view emails in their entirety here)

ME: I am very disappointed in you. I saw you at the State of the Black Union, and not once did you speak out against a number of sexist and divisive comments about Hillary. I understand the desire to see an African American President. I share that desire. I just don’t find Senator Obama, with his limited resume, and few public accomplishments(ie accomplishments for the people, not personal accomplishments like book writing) to have the resume for President, at this point. I think Hillary is correct to point to her strong resume, and that isn’t racist.

Donna Brazile(DB): I am very sorry that you tuned into my life just three weeks ago and not the 40 years I have engaged politics on a very personal level.

Just be up to date in your criticism and go back and read my columns, see my interviews and then walk a moment in the shoes of someone who calls a spade a spade. [emphasis added]

Thanks Donna. I don’t know if you’re telling me that you’re a straight shooter or if you’re daring me to use racially charged rhetoric to make a point.

ME: I’m young, but I have been watching you for eight years. You can not possibly think I just tuned in three weeks ago. That’s why I expect more from you. You are one of the most prominent female voices of the Democratic Party. Emotions are running high, and the media is just loving to play up the fissures in the Party.

DB: Please don’t lecture me about the isms in America . You cannot blame the media for Clinton being behind or running out of money.

It’s the strategy stupid… And I for one have gotten down right tired of the lame excuses.

When many of us beat the heck out of Obama last year, we were not called racists.

I, for one, can’t recall Donna ever beating Obama last year.

ME: I don’t expect you to watch the sexism. I was hoping for a more fair reading from you. I think it’s loopy to think Hillary has run a racist campaign. Really loopy. Again, the 3am ad, winning NH??? These are not signs of racism. If you respect a candidate, you run against them on the merits, which Hillary has done.

DB: Just ask Hillary why is she apologizing to Black folks at every turn.

And now Obama has to denounce his pastor.

Here’s where Donna really ratchets up the rhetoric. She won’t come right out and say Hillary is a racist, but she’ll imply that an apology from Hillary equals an admission of racism. As for Reverend Wright, Obama didn’t have to denounce him. He found it politically expedient to do so.

ME: She doesn’t have to. She just is because she doesn’t want anyone to feel alienated or offended. I can not believe that’s what you really see. How sad.

DB: I defended the Clintons and it was Black people who kept their asses in office. [emphasis added]

Now, show respect and not indifference or worse insularity and more insults.

I am not checking my black or feminist credentials into the locker box for either candidate.

ME: Let’s agree on some things. I have never walked a mile in your shoes. I am outraged by the continued institutional racism in our justice system, in our educational system, in our society. We are not at odds here. As far as McCain goes, I dislike him, and his extremist supporters.
I do think that if you believe Hillary Clinton is a racist or has employed a racist campaign strategy, you are overreaching to the extreme.

DB: She’s the one apologizing to Black folks. Not me. Not You. She is the one saying I regret. Not me. Not you.

ME: Yes, because she doesn’t want any one to be offended. She’s a buck stops here person. I think that’s an admirable quality.

DB: Blacks have been deeply wounded by the duplicity of the Clintons. Now, you may not like it or agree. But as a black person who helped saved the Clinton presidency, please just respect what I am saying. [emphasis added]
Again, you disagree. But, I honestly believe the wounds will not heal. It’s personal and the Clintons have shown their darker demons. [emphasis added]
Now, I will end it here. I was Al Gore’s Campaign Manager. Let the buck stop here.
If I make a decision to go with Obama, people read it as Al Gore hates the Clintons.
So, I stay above the bull and do not take bull from the Clintons or the
Obamas or the McCains.
I don’t owe anybody a dime. And if I counted who has helped me since 2000, its Republican men and not Democrats.
Go figure and good night.

Did she just say what I think she said? The aspirant to head the DNC owes her success to Republican men not Democrats. I, for one, can think of at least one notable Republican man who hasn’t done a damn thing for me for the past eight years. Somebody stop her.

— — -

How in any way can Donna’s response here be considered acceptable, normal behavior?

Okay, that brings us to 2016.

The excerpt of her book in today’s Washington Post, where Brazile wrote about replacing Hillary with Biden, and drawing her blinds to avoid Russian assassins, speaks for itself and needs no commentary from me.

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Donna Brazile: I considered replacing Clinton with Biden as 2016 Democratic nominee

— -

Please read it in full. It is quite shocking and everyone I’ve spoken with has read it has came to the same conclusion I have. Donna is unwell.

Im no psychiatrist or psychologist, but to me, Donna obviously needs serious professional help with her mental problems.

Paranoia, delusions, narcissism, the list begins there.

I hope someone in or media looks into these past instances that show that Brazile has been on a long journey getting to this moment. Problem is there seems to be no one in our political media that has a memory that goes back more than four years. If that.

Donna will be fine. Heck, half of the Country is on psych drugs these days. She is a wealthy woman who I am sure has great health insurance.

But the damage that she has already done and will continue to do as she goes on her media press tour to promote this book puts so much at risk.

What if we lose the Governor’s race in Virginia, because we now have the political media pushing the “Democrats in Disarray” script over and over in the days before the election, provided by Donna’s book?

How many Virginians will lose THEIR health care because the media want to present a narrative provided to them by a bitter, untruthful description of what happened in the Democratic party in 2016?

This is a tragic story in so many ways and you can be sure, the Hillary hating media will play it and poor, sad Donna, like a violin.

They know this anti-Clinton and anti-Democratic tune so well. They’ve been playing it for 25 years.



Rubio's Amex Card

Marco's Dad tended bar and his Mom was a maid & to honor them, he charges EVERYTHING on Me! He says VISA is for peasants & losers w/out expense accounts.