Real Life Olivia Pope

Rude Diary
8 min readOct 8, 2016


OCTOBER 8, 2016

Every week American citizens and some throughout the world, tune in to view the very interesting and controversial TV show; Scandal. If you are not aware of this show, you should climb from under your rock before, the real life Olivia Pope takes her place in the White House. The character portrayed by, actress Kerry Washington; takes much pride in her relationships and her ability to turn a horrible event into a marketable campaign, for whatever one heart desires. Although the character, Ms. Pope commits thousands of crimes, in every show; she lacks the understanding that, “the greater good” doesn’t exist. Her ability to spin a story is shockingly identical to the stories spent by this year, Presidential Candidate, Hillary Anne Rodham Clinton.

2014 marked the year that begin the race which would lead to “making history” with the 2016 Presidential Campaign. Hillary Clinton, former First Lady and Secretary of State, announced her second run for the White House, after a horrible defeat by America’s first African-American/Black president in 2008. Her campaign depends on her, continued work and efforts to make America the greatest country, in the world. She has gone on for years about how she is fit to be president due to her, approx, 35 year career in politics. And one would say that this is a great angle however; no one who knows Mrs. Clinton’s history would ever- defend or represent her. It’s common for Clinton’s supporters to argue the basis that her record shows the kind of President she will be and how she deserves this opportunity more than anyone else. On the other hand; everyone says, “History repeats itself” so, to choose her as the next president, grantees, non-stop scandals and disregard for the American people.

So, let’s check her history; Hillary has made history in many ways throughout her life; she was the first student to give a speech during a commencement, while at Wellesley College. In 1974, Hillary became one of two first, female faculty members in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville; where she later became the first director of a new legal aid clinic. After successfully working with Presidential candidate, Jimmy Carter, he appointed Hillary as the first woman to set on the board of directors of the Legal Services Corporation. After moving to Arkansas and starting her personal life with new husband, Bill Clinton; Hillary became the first woman to be made full partner of Rose Law Firm. As First Lady of Arkansas, she became the first female member on Wal-Mart’s board, in 1986. As the First Lady of the United States; Hillary became the first, First Lady to have a post-graduate degree upon entering the White House. She was also the first, First Lady to have an office in the West Wing of the White House. After leaving the White House in 2001, she became the first, First Lady to be elected as a senator; the first to serve in the US Cabinet and the first woman to be nominated for President of the United States by a major political party.

As, her accomplishments track over several years which shows how she is dedicated to success and the betterment of woman in the world; her record also shows; she is the first, First Lady to be subpoenaed to testify before a Federal Grand Jury. She is also, the first, First Lady to manage publicity of her personal relationships with her husband, in regards to extra-marital affairs during his Governorship of Arkansas and Presidency of United States. She is the first, First Lady to be caught in scandals, following or during every position held, publicly or privately; for instance, her restricted college thesis in 1968, as a Republican Party member and in support of Richard Nixon’s impeachment in 1974. She was the first, public figure to address, NOT wanting to change her last name, once married; so there would be not conflict between her husband and her professional relationships. She did however; change her name, as her husband ran again for the governorship of Arkansas. She did not want to upset the “women” in Arkansas and needed to present a united front, as her husband’s career demanded of her. As, her husband went to work, making Arkansas great again; Mrs. Clinton jumped into the trading business to secure, future financial stability for her family. Although, there were no legal findings which claimed Mrs. Clinton wrong doings however; she lied on several occasions when asked how she obtained such large profits, as a newcomer, in the market place. She still claims to have made all her decisions, alone however; records show and several people have testified that Mrs. Clinton received insider trading advantage and assistance from the CEO and an attorney for Tyson Foods. This scandal got recognition while the Clinton’s where under investigation for another hot scandal, during their stay in Arkansas; Whitewater.

In the late eighties, the Clinton’s made a decision to work with close friends; in a real estate adventure to increase their income, while Bill Clinton worked as Arkansas Attorney General. The couple was not at all rich, at these times, which lead to Hillary trading cattle and them embarking on a real estate investment into Whitewater Development Corporation. The Clinton’s where eager to take on this investment, with their friends and actively worked with them up until Bill Clinton’s final term as Arkansas Governor. The two couples, Bill & Hillary Clinton and Jim and Susan McDougal; obtained a loan in the amount of $203,000.00 to incorporate this partnership and land development space, on the south bank of the White River near Flippin, Arkansas, in the Ozark Mountains. Through high interest rates and ill managed business practice the corporation failed to make any money or property. All parties involved in this deal where charged and served time in jail, directly after a federal investigation into Whitewater. The Clinton’s according to the New York Time’s, worked closely with the investigators to expedite the investigation and made public statements that denied any knowledge on their part; of false reports, conflicts of interest and wrong doing. Although all reports and articles state that the Clinton’s did their part to help the investigation; Hillary Clinton adamantly denied knowledge of legal records from her time with Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. The Federal investigation continued on for the later of the first Clinton presidential term and the entire time, the Clinton’s maintained that they did not know where these records were, nor did they have any knowledge of wrong doings by their friends, in reference to Whitewater. However; two years after the investigation began; FBI agents located the missing documents, through a staffer at the White House, who found the records in the Clinton’s private residence. The Clinton’s never commented on the findings but, they were the only members of this investigation to not be found guilty of any wrong doing; while all their friends and even the governor who took Clinton’s seat in Arkansas, where charged with crimes from conspiracy, fraud, tax evasion, embezzlement and bribery. Majority of these people, where pardon by Bill Clinton; literally in his last hours of being President in 2001.

In 2000 Hillary Clinton was called, “factually false” in regards to her involvement in the 1993, White House Travel office scandal; “Travelgate”. It was alleged that the Clinton’s used audited financial irregularities in the travel office operation as an excuse to replace the full staff with friends of the Clinton’s, from Arkansas. After she walked away from the White House she, decided to go into the state of New York and was labeled a “carpetbagger” by residents of the state due to her, winning the senate seat, after living in the state for about four months. Coincidentally a few months after, moving to New York and taking office; America faced its worse tragedy to date; on American soil, on September 11, 2001. She later, voted for the US Patriot Act in 2001 and again, on the reconstruction of this act in 2006. She strongly supported the 2001 U.S. Military Action in Afghanistan. She also voted for the 2002 Iraq War Resolution, which it took 14 years for her to recant and admit; this decision was a “mistake”, in 2014.

The best part of all, Mrs. Clinton has been an advocate for women’s rights and Planned Parenthood for years and has been endorsed by this agency, for her 2016 Presidential Campaign. This would not be an issue if, Planned Parenthood, was as it states however; if you know anything, you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Mrs. Margaret Sanger; was an active Nazi participant and advocate for eugenics. There are several people who support Ms. Sanger, who would deny that she was racist or “out for blacks” but, history shows differently. Ms. Sanger created the American Birth Control League to put some restrictions of the birth rate increase, from feeble minded individuals and those deemed “poor or moral lacking”. No matter how many times, one states that Ms. Sanger was only out for the betterment of women’s rights; no one can deny her complete disdain for black people, “We are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all..”, 1923 Sanger. She later stated, in an article in her newsletter, Birth Control Review, “I consider that the world and almost our civilization for the next twenty-five years is going to depend upon a simple, cheap, safe contraceptive to be used in poverty stricken slums, jungles and among the most ignorant people. Even this will not be sufficient, because I believe that now, immediately, there should be a national sterilization for certain dysgenic types of our population who are being encouraged to breed and would die out were the government not feeding them…” 1950 Sanger. While Hillary has mentioned in an interview, in the senate, “I admire Margaret Sanger, being a pioneer in trying to empower women to have some control over their bodies; and I deplore statements that you have referenced. That’s the way we are when we look at flawed human beings…”This claim would be ok however; Margaret Sanger wasn’t an advocate for women’s rights, if anything she despised abortion, for certain people. She stated in her book, The Woman and the New Race, “…the most merciful thing a large family can do to its infant’s members is to kill it…” does that sound like a woman who works to give woman rights? One should recognize the belief of Mrs. Clinton’s admiration for Ms. Sanger and her “fight for women’s rights” is another coded term, just as “birtherism”. Mrs. Clinton has been quoted referring to Ms. Sanger as her ideal and that usually happens when one believes, 100% or 89% of the views of this “ideal”. One could safely say that Mrs. Clinton views eugenics just as her ideal and is going to be put in charge of the American government-which is already corrupt.

If America is to move forward in their future, placing this woman into the highest office; it will be the worst thing possible, “…The eugenic and civilization value of birth control is becoming apparent to the enlightened and the intelligent… The campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical in ideal with the final aim of eugenics…” 1921 Sanger.

Texas Newspaper Destroys The Myth That Hillary Clinton Is The Lesser Of Two Evils



Rude Diary

It’s not censored for $; the goal is to make words so BOLD, it makes you wanna holla, It’s not a show; it’s a lesson, Not here preaching; just leading!