Father’s Hand-Carved Bronze Plaque

Three Heartfelt Stories

4 min readNov 24, 2023
The first draft of the design of the Royal Hong Kong Police Department badge hand-carved by my father

First Story:

In the past, my father, as an intellectual, returned to mainland China from Hong Kong during the Cultural Revolution, enduring hardships. In order to support our family, he resorted to smuggling back to Hong Kong to work and send money back home. He took on various jobs, including sleeping in Victoria Park and living in cramped and dark low-cost tenements. The year he retired, he presented me with an initial draft of a bronze plaque he had carved, which depicted the emblem of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force. He said his feelings towards the British were deeply complex, and this bronze carving revealed a glimpse of it.

My illustration “My Father and My Childhood”

The emblem of the British Royal Police (The Royal Police) consists of the following elements:

1. Crown: Usually situated at the top of the emblem, symbolizing the authority of the British monarch and royal authorization.

2. Lion: The lion, representing strength and courage, is a symbol of Britain. The lion is often depicted in a standing position, beneath the crown.




Passionate explorer of life's infinite possibilities. Avid learner, dream weaver, and relentless optimist. Embracing challenges, creating magic through words.