Human Design statistics.
Part 1.

3 min readApr 29, 2018



This article will be of interest only to those who are familiar with the Human Design system.

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The whole idea of calculating these statistics appeared as a result of two factors, which coincided in one moment.

The first factor is restless curiosity.

The second one is software engine, created by me and desire to test it in real work.

The main question, that appeared in the process — how to calculate the birth rate?

The search for any regularities in seasonality or birth spikes on the Earth led to the fact that neither seasonality nor outbursts were found.

There are anomalies in some countries (for example in Russia each september, or Baby Boomers in USA), but if we take as a whole the place we call our planet, I didn’t find any patterns. If someone has this information, please share.

Anyway, finally it was decided to calculate every second of time in the selected time period.

Start of the period — 13.March.1781, 00:00 Ephemeries time (discovery of Uranus and transition from 7-centered to 9-centered beings).

End of the period — 01.January.2030, 00:00 Ephemeries time.Taken arbitrarily, 2027, as the year X, plus two years in advance, to look at the perspective.

So, the selected time period is from 13.03.1781 to 01.01.2030, duration in seconds is 7 851 513 600 sec.

Type, authority, profile etc. for each of these seconds are calculated and then statistics is made.

Now let’s go!

Let’s compare with official statistics from . (Of course methods used are different. The site statistics are based on the calculations of BodyGraphs made by visitors of the site. For now it is more than 23 000 000 calculations).

In my calculations there are:

less Reflectors (0.70% vs 1.4%),

more Manifestors (11.32% vs 9.77%),

less Projectors (18.54% vs 22.64%),

less Generators (32.03% vs35.92%),

more Manifesting Generators (37.4% vs 30.26%).

What else can we see in the table of types?

The myth about Manifestors disappearing is destroyed. Their percentage is even increasing last years.

The fact that Reflectors percentage decreasing in time is interesting.

And the most interesting fact is that the percentage of Manifesting Generators greater then Generators (37.4% vs 32.03%).

Also, no special changes with the approach of 2027 are noticed.

If you have any ideas what can be done more here, please share with me.

Let’s look a little bit more.

Decrease in the percentage of Emotional authority and increase of the Sacral.

Profiles always have the same proportions , which matchs the logic of HD calculations.

Ok. In Part 2 we’ll look at:





Thanks for your attention, to be continued…

Sincerely yours,


