So I’m here at a rum bar…

2 min readOct 6, 2015


Ok, I didn’t get around to titling the last post and forgive me…I’m new to this.

Ah yes, good rum can be hard to find when the fashionable want vodkas, craft beer, and/or wine. I’ve been meaning to come to this rum bar that is about 25 minutes from home. It’s not far but Uber can come at a premium. Anyways, this evening is not for me to get back on my drinking horse as I did in Barbados not so long ago.

Today I walked in with every intention of sampling the ceviche with an aged rum. I started with Zaya; a lovely 12 year rum from Trinidad with strong vanilla notes. To use a dated-reference from Sex In the City (don’t judge), “I likey.” Then to make it even better, you can get three shots of this for $10! WTF! In the DC Metro area?! That’s a freaking bargain!

I thought the aged rum would be a nice end to the afternoon. A little ceviche, some water, a rum. But for $10, I added in the mushroom empanadas, mango guacamole and decided to enjoy the moment. Please take away the menu bartender as I keep finding stuff I want to order! Just take my money!

So I just ordered something that I shouldn’t have…a pumpkin spice Mojito. A what?! There are way too many pumpkin spice infused whatever out there but I’ve never tried it with rum. So it’s f’n delicious. I’m sipping slowly as tonight can’t be one of those drunken nights. Anyhow, back to the rum and maybe I’ll come back to imbibe on their rum punch soon. Yum!

