Riley B.
1 min readAug 4, 2017


Okay, my server will have two bots on it, A music bot and this one, My music bot only responds to commands in a certain text chat to prevent my users from requesting songs in different chats.

Now the command I am trying to make is when the bot gets a command lets say !favsong I want it to send a message to a specific channel regardless of the one it is in.

I currently have the commands stacked to when it sees !favsong it has two jobs: respond to the current channel it is in, and send a message to the request channel to trigger my music bot to play that url of the song in the response.

First response:

switch(cmd) {
case ‘favsong’:
to: channelID,
message: ‘Playing Favorite Song’

Second Response:
switch(cmd) {
case ‘favsong’:
to: channelID,
message: ‘!play



Riley B.

15 years old | Computer Enthusiast | Steam Level: 200 | Favorite game ATM: Kerbal Space Program