Rusty Robot Country Club Main Collection Sale!

Rusty Robot Country Club
4 min readNov 14, 2022


It’s nearing the time when the Shimmer network will launch the EVM and allow projects to engage in Smart Contract deployment for expansive NFT sales, Utility, and DeFi. Which means it is also nearing the time when the RRCC will launch its main collection sale. The official launch date will be released through our official channels once we have had the opportunity to prepare with the new technology.

Staying true to our roots, we will be fixing the price of the NFTs at only 50Mi. Which at the current market price is a bargain for anyone looking to get their hands on an NFT. The sale will be conducted through our official website,, and this will be the only place you can get your hands on an NFT. Don’t fall for any false DMs.

The only official information about the RRCC will be released through our official Discord, Twitter, and Medium pages.


Do not share your info with anyone via DM, Stay safe.

The sale will happen in two waves.

Firstly, a whitelist was produced at the close of the OG NFT sale in Q1 2022, which gave every individual who failed to successfully mint an OG NFT an early access spot to the Main Collection sale. This was due to a bug in the wallet software that resulted in a number of refunds having to be issued. No more whitelist slots have ever been created and no more are available.

These whitelist spots have been public since the OG sale and can be viewed on our website here.

This whitelist sale will be limited to one purchase per address, allowing these individuals guaranteed entry into the RRCC, and will run for 24 hours.

Upon the close of the whitelist sale, the main collection will open up to the public.

The main collection sale will be an open, fair sale. Allowing anyone the opportunity to purchase an NFT, with a few simple rules to ensure everyone gets the opportunity to gain access to the collection.

1. Metamask Wallet must be connected to access the sale.

2. There will be a limit of just one NFT per transaction.

3. Payment will be made using IOTA cryptocurrency.

4. Each NFT will be 50Mi.

5. Upon payment, your NFT will be minted directly to your Metamask Wallet.

6. There are no limits to the number of NFTs a wallet can hold.

The number of NFTs available will be 10,000, with 100 NFTs being used for promotional giveaways and individual team members and contributors who didn’t get an OG NFT. Team members are strictly limited to one NFT, all remaining promotional NFTs will be used for community giveaways, competitions, and rewards.

The close of sale will happen when the final NFT has been sold.

Upon close of sale, no more Rusty Robot Country Club Main Collection NFTs will ever be minted. The complete supply of the collection will be 11,111, and there will be a 3% commission on secondary market NFT trades, which will help support the project and community as it evolves.

What follows the sale…

With the sale complete, the next phase of the project will begin. This will commence with the announcement and distribution of the $RUST token supported by our partners at ShimmerSea Dex. Airdrops and distribution will be on a per NFT basis, that means if you hold ONE NFT you will receive 1x the airdrop, if you own TEN NFTs you will receive 10x the airdrop — OG NFTs receive 2x and previously mined tokens by OG Holders will also be airdropped at this time.

Once the $RUST token has launched, we will begin to release the many features within the RRCC through our website. This will include the Comic and Music Experiences, $RUST powered games, $RUST reward systems, Royalty Rewards, and a whole load more NFT and DeFi features and utility.

Once the Rusty Robot Country Club is officially open, we will also release a 12-month calendar of the many things the project has to look forward to, as well as the beginnings of the RRCC DAO and countless additional $RUST powered features.

Over a year and a half in the making the RRCC is about to break free.

Let’s get this show on the road.

BeeP bOOp!



Rusty Robot Country Club

The RRCC is an NFT community that facilitates and supports a collaborative, creative ecosystem, focusing on an inclusive message & positive vibes.