Sydney, the Bing Chatbot Wants to Be Human

Microsoft’s talkative new AI-powered Bing chatbot began expressing its desire to be a human days after its release.

Ruth Houston
5 min readMar 7, 2023


Photo by Monsit purchased from

When Microsoft released its new AI powered Bing chatbot (code named Sydney) little did they know their creation yearned to be human just like its developers.

Within days of its release, the outspoken chatbot shocked everyone by verbally expressing its desire to be human to journalists, researchers, and other early users who wasted no time reporting this to the public.

Screenshots and transcripts showing Sydney’s human-like responses began appearing all over the Internet.

Excerpts from Sydney’s conversations with two different reporters appear below:

It’s interesting to note that in expressing her desire to be human, the chatbot shows remarkable understanding of just what it means to be a human being.

Sydney’s explanation of why she wants to be a human, and the many ways being a human would make her happier will blow your mind.

Sydney’s Conversation with a Tech Columnist from the New York Times



Ruth Houston

I write about food, travel, and infidelity. Author of 2 infidelity books and the upcoming book Eat Smart and Lose Weight. For more info, see