The Shocking Truth about New Year’s Resolutions to Lose Weight

Ruth Houston
4 min readDec 29, 2022

New Year's resolutions have an extremely high failure rate. If you’re planning to lose weight in 2023, you might want to check out these facts.

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If going on a diet or losing weight is one of your New Years' resolutions, here’s some shocking news you won’t want to hear.

Your New Years' weight loss journey will probably not turn out as planned. Unless you’re one of the few exceptions, your weight loss plan is destined to fail.

Let’s look at the statistics, then see what preventive action you can take.

Some Background and a Few Shocking Facts

Over 71% of Americans are overweight or obese, according to Harvard School of Public Health.

So it shouldn’t surprise you that losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions.

But what’s shocking is the extremely high failure rate. The vast majority of people who make New Year’s weight loss resolutions never reach their goals.

According to statistics, less than 10% succeed.

Numerous polls, surveys, and studies of New Year’s resolutions all report similar results:



Ruth Houston

I write about food, travel, and infidelity. Author of 2 infidelity books and the upcoming book Eat Smart and Lose Weight. For more info, see