Ignore Misogyny and Focus On the Skills of Amazing Writers

Ruth Stewart
3 min readJul 9, 2019
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

I have a husband, and one time he said: “Once women get to about 35 years old, they should be used to periods and shouldn’t moan about them any more.” Obviously, that was the day I killed him.

No, I didn’t really kill him, but he did get verbally killed on Facebook when I told my friends about him. Well, he deserved it.

It was a few years ago now and we are still talking about it from time to time.

My point is, sometimes ordinarily non-sexist males slip up. We all do it. I consider myself something of a feminist, but I slip up sometimes.

Sometimes I think men here on Medium cannot fully understand what they have written. Perhaps they are not reading what they have written before hitting publish? Can they not see their own misogynistic vitriol?

I recently read an article suggesting that GirlBoss is a sort of LinkedIn for women. But why do we need a LinkedIn for women? What’s wrong with LinkedIn for everyone?

The person pointed out that most of the people on LinkedIn were older men. So what? It doesn’t mean women can’t use LinkedIn. I use it. I haven’t been asked to leave on account of my breasts and vagina.

I know women on this platform, Medium, that use LinkedIn too.



Ruth Stewart

Ancient feminist, psychological discoverer, here to help you to uncover your limiting beliefs, core beliefs and change your life for the better. She/her.