My Open Letter to America

Ryan Carter
3 min readJan 30, 2017


45th President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump

My Dearest America,

Somewhere along the way we lost our moral compass as a nation, we let hate and divisiveness guide us. We let tough-talk and political brashness take a leading role. We elected a man who in one week did more to reverse the progress of not only our nation, but of the entire world. We elected a man who obviously has no understanding or regard for our Constitution, and we put him into the most powerful position in the world. I don’t know why we did this, I am sure we will ponder that question for the rest of our lives. I find it hard to have hope when I see the actions of President Trump, but maybe this is what we need to test our strength as a nation. Maybe Trump is what we need to find the goodness inside of all of us. While all of this may or may not be true.

I still think it’s sad when I see people who I once went to school with praising the deplorable actions of President Trump and his obvious disregard of the Constitution. The same people who took jabs and low-blows at Obama for trying to spread peace and equality through his policies, are now glorifying the swift reversal of more than 50 years of civil and human rights by Trump. We were not taught this hate, we were not born with this hate. Maybe the world was too hard on some of them. Maybe personal failure or the way life turned out for them has made them bitter. I can’t speak on that, but I know we all sat together as children on the same reading rug; Black, White, Asian, and Arabic all together as one. I look to children now as the guide because as adults we lost touch of our common decency and humanity toward one another.

I’m sad, disgusted and ashamed to be an American right now. Honestly, how can we think we are superior to anyone else when we stoop to their level? I love this country, its in my blood and I have ancestors who died for these freedoms I enjoy. I will always stand up to defend this nation and protect our rights if I am ever called on, but at the same time I have to live my life according to how our Founding Fathers taught us. Every man is created equal and each person should be entitled to the chance to pursuit happiness.

I cannot agree with the values that President Trump wants us to believe. I know that deep down America feels the same way. It’s impossible for us to be that cruel and heartless, it’s not in our DNA as Americans. I think we are beginning to see America is waking up and realizing the nightmare we have found ourselves in. I hope the latter is true, for our sake and for the sake of humanity in general.

