RIP Linda Brown 1943–2018

Ryan Carter
2 min readMar 27, 2018


May 17, 1954: A mother and daughter celebrate Brown v. Board of Education decision on Supreme Court steps. (Getty Images)

I just heard the sad news about the passing of Civil Rights pioneer & Human Rights activist Linda Brown. One cannot begin to comprehend the struggle she and her family endured to secure her right to a fair and equal education.

August 20, 1959: Anti-integration rally on the steps of the Arkansas State Capitol, Little Rock, Arkansas. (Getty Images)

I for one am forever in debt to what she endured as a small child trying to be educated same as all other children. She made it possible for me and many other kids of all races to have the freedom and equal opportunity to be educated in any school we choose. This freedom of education opened many doors for me in life, and allowed me to see and experience all the wonders of this world that I would not have been able to without.

1954: Ignorant Student protesters. ( AP/Wide World Photos)

Our American history when you look at it on the surface is vile, disgusting, and downright tramples on every decent fundamental that America was meant to represent. We should not judge others on the sins of their ancestors, but we also should not allow history to be repeated. What we need to do as Americans is educate the future generations on the life and work of great Americans like Ms. Brown.

1954: Students in an integrated classroom in Fort Myer, Va., the year of Brown v. Board of Education. (Corbis)
1954: A young Linda Brown. (Getty Images)

Let us not embolden or empower those who go against what we know not only as Americans but as human beings. Let us all be someone who believes in fairness, equality, and justice FOR ALL, and above all influences.

RIP Linda Brown 1943–2018

The Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site in Topeka, Kansas. (National Park Service)

