Ryan Bucki
4 min readJun 11, 2017

Cratus Labs Ligandrol LGD-4033

cratus labs lgd-4033 overall rating

In the SARMs, Selective Androgen Receptive Modulators, world, you have several different options of companies to choose from. The issue a lot of people are facing is they are not sure which companies are legitimate and which ones are fake. Without a lot of information readily available on SARMs, this task can prove to be difficult. Thankfully we put together a complete guide on SARMs for you to use. Cratus Labs is a legit SARMs distributor. Through industry sources we were able to find Cratus Labs, and we are glad we did. Cratus Labs sells SARMs, nootropics, and cycle therapy solutions.

Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033, is one of the most popular SARMs in the bodybuilding world due to it’s steroid-like properties when it comes to the benefits. Over the course of 4-weeks during our test we were able to put on 3lbs of lean muscle mass, while reducing our body fat by .5%. Overall the price of LGD-4033 is in-line with other SARMs on the market from a reputable company like Cratus Labs. If you are looking to build lean muscle mass without the negative side effects of an anabolic steroid, LGD-4033 is for you.

Overall Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

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Cratus Labs LGD-4033 Label


5.0 / 5.0

The nice part about SARMs is that each one you buy only contains one ingredient. Ligandrol, more commonly known as LGD-4033, is the only ingredient in this bottle. LGD-4033 is a popular SARM that was created to prevent muscle-wasting and bone-wasting. LGD-4033 is tissue selective, so unlike steroids which enhance everything (whether it’s good or not), LGD-4033 only selects certain tissues in our DNA to help with muscle recovery and muscle building. LGD-4033 has been shown to increase strength, size and gains in a short period of time. LGD-4033 will give you the benefits of an anabolic steroid without the nasty side effects that come with it. According to Cratus Labs, recent studies have shown that LGD-4033 is safe and tolerable up to doses of 23mg.

​It should be noted, according to the USDA, that LGD-4033 and other SARMs are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency.


5.0 / 5.0

cratus labs lgd-4033 bottle

Truth be told I did stack LGD-4033 with two other SARMs. I stacked it with Ibutamoren (MK-677), which has been shown to increase growth hormone production and IGF-1 in your body. I also stacked it with Ostarine (MK-2866), which has shown to increase your endurance and prevent muscle wasting. LGD-4033 was really the only “muscle” builder of this stack. I wanted to make sure that we were not wasting any muscle gains through cardio and the inclusion of MK-677 was to ensure proper recovery took place.

Over the course of 4-weeks on LGD-4033 I increased lean muscle mass by 3lbs and decreased overall body fat .5%. This is huge. Typically when you put on weight you are also putting on body fat. I did not do that.

I did carb cycle while on LGD-4033. I had higher carb days on major muscle groups and low to zero carb days on smaller muscle groups. Had I digested more carbs throughout the trial I expect I would have put on even more weight. I also did not lift heavy during this four weeks. I was doing our 8-Week Advanced Lean Mass Training Program. My routine is below:

Monday: Biceps/Triceps
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Chest/Shoulders
Thursday: Back
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Back or Chest/Shoulders

Overall, LGD-4033 was very effective to the point I will run another cycle to see what 8-weeks on this will do for me.


5.0 / 5.0

Dosage varies depending on your goal. You get 90-capsules at 3mg each. The directions say take two capsules in the AM and one in the PM. That’s a total of 9mg of LGD-4033 for 30-days. The studies show for bulking, which is what I was doing, you should take 5–10mg per day for 8-weeks. If you’re cutting, you should take 3–5mg per day for 8-weeks. If you’re recomping, you should take 5–8mg per day for 8-weeks. Each capsule is properly dosed so you can work with any one of these levels.


5.0 / 5.0

SARMs are going to be more expensive than prohormones, but less expensive than steroids. Why are they more expensive than prohormones? They give you the same benefits, if not more, with a lot less negative side effects. A typical prohormone will cost you $60 a bottle. LGD-4033 is less than $70 a bottle with proven results and minimal side effects. Compared to anabolic steroids, you would have to run SARMs longer to get the same effect as a bottle of the juice, BUT you would end up spending about the same type of money with less side effects. I am a big fan of the value of LGD-4033 and would recommend it to anyone.

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Ryan Bucki

My name is Ryan Bucki, and I used to be really fat. I made it a point to kill physical therapy and kill it in the gym. I started studying supplements.