TajiriRyūjin: the Dragon God of the Japanese Sea — $RYU

3 min readOct 8, 2023


In the boundless ocean of Japanese mythology, a figure emerges, intertwining tangible prosperity with mythical grandeur: TajiriRyūjin. This conceptual blend of the traditional sea dragon god, Ryūjin, and the concept of “Tajiri,” translating to wealth or prosperity, invites us into a rich narrative where divine intervention and earthly abundance coalesce.

The Dual Essence of TajiriRyūjin

TajiriRyūjin is not merely a deity of the sea but a symbol of fluidity and adaptability in wealth and fortune. His shapeshifting abilities, transitioning between divine and human forms, embody a metaphorical duality, intertwining the divine and the mortal realms, and symbolizing the ebb and flow of prosperity.

A Guardian of Prosperity and Elemental Forces

Beyond his maritime dominion, TajiriRyūjin extends his influence to realms of knowledge, particularly in medicine, and controls elemental forces, bringing rain and thunder. His role as a ujigami (patron god) to numerous family groups signifies a protector of not only the physical but also the socio-cultural wealth of the Japanese people.

The Prosperous Oceanic Dragon

With a large, imposing mouth symbolizing his maritime connections, TajiriRyūjin watches over Japan, safeguarding a nation intrinsically tied to the sea for sustenance and prosperity. His benevolence ensures the continuous bounty of the ocean, providing both physical and symbolic wealth to the people.

Defending Wealth Against the Storm

In a legendary act of protection, TajiriRyūjin contested a violent hurricane unleashed by Kublai Khan, safeguarding Japan from potential devastation. This intervention not only shielded the nation from physical harm but also preserved its wealth and prosperity, solidifying his status as a guardian of both realms.

TajiriRyūgū-jō: A Submerged Sanctuary of Affluence

Beneath the waves lies TajiriRyūgū-jō, a palace crafted from red and white coral, symbolizing the submerged prosperity of the ocean. Here, TajiriRyūjin manipulates the tides with magical jewels, ensuring harmony in the sea and maintaining a balanced flow of wealth from its depths.

Marine Minions and the Symbolism of Abundance

TajiriRyūjin’s dominion extends to sea creatures, who serve him loyally, embodying symbols of good fortune and longevity in Japanese culture. These beings, from turtles to jellyfish, underscore the deity’s profound connection with the ocean’s inhabitants and the prosperous symbolism they carry.

A Tale of Cunning and Retribution

The story of the jellyfish and the monkey’s liver illustrates themes of deception and divine wrath in the context of TajiriRyūjin’s mythology. The jellyfish, punished for its failure and deception, becomes a symbol of the consequences of disrupting the balance of wisdom and cunning.


TajiriRyūjin, while a creative blend of traditional mythology and conceptual wealth, offers a fascinating exploration into the rich tapestry of Japanese folklore. His multifaceted persona, from a shapeshifting deity to a guardian of prosperity, captivates those who navigate the profound depths of Japanese mythology, providing a symbolic anchor to the nation’s cultural and economic heritage. Now, its time for the legendary to jump into the memecoin culture to bring new waves in the space. TajiriRyuijin, or simply $RYU, is here for abundance and prosperity.

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Twitter: twitter.com/TajiriRyuijin
Website: tajiriryujin.com

