
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2024

While I was busy writing stories about Ph.D. life and the challenges of academia, it always sounded surreal that one day I’d be telling my own story of finishing my Ph.D. I had been sharing tales about the ups and downs of academic life, weaving narratives from both my own experiences and those of others. Little did I expect to become a character in my own narrative, facing the hurdles, savoring the victories, and finally reaching the peak of completing a Ph.D.

From the beginning of my research life to the end of my doctoral journey, it felt like I was living out the stories I used to write. The challenges I had written about in abstract terms became real obstacles I had overcome, and the academic triumphs I described became personal victories etched into my own story. I sought solace in writing, searching on Medium for companies that shared experiences similar to mine. I discovered those companies as well! Feeling so lucky about it! I delved into their stories, and they reciprocated by reading mine. We shared our experiences, acknowledging the relatability of the challenges we were all going through. It gave me relief, a kind of therapy session that affirmed I was not alone in my journey! Hence, I’m excited to declare that I’ve completed my Ph.D.! I successfully defended my thesis, earning the title of Dr. Even as I wrote these words, it feels somewhat delusional! Hopefully, I will get used to it soon.

The day I defended my thesis became historic for me, entering among the unforgettable moments of my life. It became a hope for me that I would attain everything I rightfully deserve.




Hi! I wrapped up my Ph.D. in engineering. I enjoy sharing my experiences in research, academia, and related topics, often using Medium as my personal diary!