What Do Senior Ph.D. Students Deserve?

Senior Ph.D. students, often in the final phases of their doctoral pursuits, find themselves at a critical juncture in their academic journeys.

2 min readFeb 17, 2024


After investing years in exploring intricate subjects, conducting experiments, and disseminating their research, these scholars possess a wealth of expertise and accomplishments. However, despite their significant contributions, they frequently encounter a landscape that fails to fully recognize their needs or offer sufficient support, particularly as they approach the final stage of their journey.

When they reach the final stage first, they deserve recognition and support beyond endless lab duties.

They deserve a proper goodbye, which includes timely scheduling of their thesis defense.

They deserve to graduate when ready to bid farewell, not when their advisors deem fit or seek to replace them with new students. Overstaying in a program only leads to boredom for students, with no added benefit except perhaps for their advisors.

They deserve to put their future first, not the future of the projects or advisors’ schedules.

They deserve to be appreciated to be reached at a certain level in an academic frame and be an expert on a certain topic.

Advisors often hesitate to let go of senior students due to their status as independent researchers possessing a wealth of experience and knowledge. It selfishly harms students who seek a change in their lives by inhibiting their ability to move forward and explore new opportunities. When advisors hold onto senior students for their own benefit, it can stifle their personal and professional growth. This can lead to frustration, stagnation, and missed opportunities for students eager to transition to the next phase of their careers or pursue different paths. Additionally, it may create a sense of resentment or disillusionment among students who feel trapped in their current academic or research roles. Therefore, advisors need to consider their students’ needs and aspirations and help them obtain what they deserve.

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Hi! I wrapped up my Ph.D. in engineering. I enjoy sharing my experiences in research, academia, and related topics, often using Medium as my personal diary!