Liquid Democracy and the Politics of Blockchain

Samuel Miller
4 min readSep 4, 2018

If you spend enough time with anyone who is into the crypto world, you will quickly realize — it’s all about politics; Not in a republicans vs. democrats [or insert your country’s party system here] kind of way, but rather it’s about a balance of power and who has a say in how decisions are made. In theory, at least as it was originally conceived, the internet is a democratic space where knowledge can be freely shared. In reality, its a heavily controlled and monitored cyber-space owned by companies that sell your data and personal information to the highest bidder; it is anything but democratic. The blockchain era promises to change all that, which is why people who are passionate about blockchain love to talk about its politics.

Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Bureaucracy

The primary benefits of blockchain technology are transparency and decentralization. This solves two problems that face practically every industry today, many of which are currently being disrupted by blockchain startups.

Take bitcoin, the crown jewel of blockchain applications that is shaking up how we view the financial establishment. By removing middlemen, in this case banks, bitcoin enables trading directly between peers because the traditional role of the middleman, to create trust and act as a guarantor between parties…

