SAFETREES building a global green eco-system

3 min readJul 22, 2021
#TreesARMY let’s spread awareness to the crypto community and to the world — THERE’S NO PLANET B.

SAFETREES is a decentralized eco-friendly project that aims to compensate the efforts of those supporting in saving the environment notably tree growers in rural communities and environmental groups. Its deflationary native token $TREES is on Binance Smart Chain, boasting several impressive features. It is the first token with ultimate purpose and tangible product i.e. TreesApp tree-tracker and a Tree Adoption Marketplace where Tree-NFT adoption would take place.

The $TREES token is a sustainable carbon credit incentive utility token for tree farmer or tree-planting organization’s ecological impact and contribution to curbing the effects of environmental imbalance. It is a digital asset created to compensate for greenhouse gases emission and providing more convenient alternatives to reducing one’s fossil fuel consumption.

In addition, by investing in the TREES token, holders will reap rewards through a static reflection mechanism built-in to the smart contract algorithm, so token holders are guaranteed to watch their wallet grow indefinitely.


Deforestation impacted Global Environmental Balance. Efforts for planting and tending trees is reduced due to the lack of direct financial incentives especially in many rural communities around the world.

Growing trees is a long-term project and after several years of tending hundreds or even thousands of trees, the growers can only then rip the financial benefits from tree planting. During those tree tending years, the growers especially in many rural communities are unaware that their trees have also sequestered tons of CO2 — that benefits everyone on the planet. However, tree growers are not financially compensated for their efforts to providing carbon offset and ecological benefits to our planet.

With SAFETREES cross-platform mobile and blockchain technology, we will reverse this scenario. We will give awareness, direct financial incentives and more benefits to those silent heroes who are doing a tremendous effort in fighting environmental degradation. SAFETREES use a novel mobile application with a tree-tracking algorithm that allows tree growers and individuals app users to take geotagged images of their trees which automatically measures the tree attributes, register the GPS coordinates, and assigns a unique tag or number to the tree and stored the data into the blockchain as tokenized or minted information.

Learn more: https://SAFETREES.SPACE


SAFETREES Tokenomics:

Max Supply coded to exist in the lifetime of the TREES token is 1,000,000,000,000,000 TREES. Token Burning plan 70% of the max supply and as the time of writing 66% of max supply i.e. 666,807,184,647,344 TREES was already burned forever. Hence, current Total Supply after verified burning is around 333,000,000,000,000 TREES. Some of the token are locked forever in DxSale amounting 23,174,160,620,147 TREES. The management also allocated some tokens for marketing, research-innovation, charity, press release and project management. Therefore the current Total Circulating supply is around 245,000,000,000,000 TREES respectively.


🚀 BUY $TREES on PancakeSwap

📺 How to buy $TREES on PancakeSwap with TRUST wallet




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