Huaraz Natural Paradise — Capital of international friendship

South America Peru Tours
4 min readMar 21, 2017


How to get to Huaraz

To the city of Huaraz can be reached by two means: Aerial and terrestrial.

By air: There is a daily flight from Lima Jorge Chavez International Airport to Anta Airport which lasts 60 minutes; Anta is located 15 minutes north of the city of Huaraz by car. Of course from Anta to Huaraz there are many vehicles that provide the transport service. These flights are offered by LC Peru Airline. Peru tours

The terrestrial means: the most used service, because to the city of Huaraz many buses arrive that leave from Lima, Trujillo, Chimbote, Chiclayo and other cities of Peru. The moyoría of these buses offer an excellent service (you only have to know how to choose well), they offer TV service with DVD, hygienic services, reclining seats, air conditioning, normal seats, semi-bed, bus bed, etc. The cost of this services Vary according to quality.

Best travel experiences in Peru

Season to visit Huaraz

In Huaraz the rainy season is from November until the first half of April and therefore it is more convenient to make your visits to the Callejon de Huaylas, Conchucos Zone and other places around from April to October. Of course conventional tours, day hikes and others are performed without any problem throughout the year as highways and roads are in good condition even in rainy seasons. explore peru

What can you see?

Alley of Huaylas

It is an Andean valley that begins in the Laguna Conococha at 4100 m.s.n.m. And ends in Huallanca, its extension is 180 km. This valley is formed by the Cordilleras Blanca and Negra, which in their entire length are crossed by the Rio Santa, presents a diversity of microclimates due to the altitude in which it is, this altitude ranges from 1000 to 6746 m.s.n.m. Alley of HuaylasForman part of the Alley of Huaylas the provinces of Recuay, Huaraz, Carhuaz, Yungay and Huaylas (Caraz); Whose people keep alive their customs and traditions which manifest them continuously in activities like the feast of the Lord of May in Huaraz, the feast in honor of the virgin of the Mercedes in Carhuaz; The feast in honor of the Virgin Asunción in Huata, Caraz; See the tourist calendar of this part of the region.

Also in the area of ​​Callejón de Huaylas are important archaeological sites, such as Pueblo Viejo in Recuay, Wilchuain in Huaraz, Cave of Guitarrero in Yungay, Tumshucaico in Caraz, Etc. As well as dozens of recreation and recreation centers. travel Peru

Tour to the Llanganuco Lagoons

Laguna LlanganucoVisit to the north of the city of Huaraz, in the Callejón de Huaylas, under the Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Negra; On the way we visit villages like: Jangas, Anta, Marcará, Carhuaz (well known for the ice creams that are produced), Mancos, Campo Santo in Yungay — Lagoons of Llanganuco (3850 m) inside the Huascarán National Park, surrounded by snow covered Huascaran, Huandoy, Pisco, Yanapaccha — Caraz (a village where the best delicacies are produced in the region). Return to Taricá (Artisan Center of Callejón de Huaylas).

Tour to Chavín de Huantar

Travel to the south of the city, on the way we visit the villages of Recuay and Catac, in the latter we take the road to the east and visit the lagoon of Querococha 3980 m, which is below the snowy Pucaraju, we cross the tunnel of Kawish , The highest of the Andes 4450 m and access point to the Callejón de Conchucos, the town of Machac, Tour to the archaeological center Chavín de Huantar, later to the temple of Chavín de Huantar, which is located on the Huachecsa and Mosna rivers, Its beginnings must be located in the 1200 AD, in it is a set of internal galleries, where the interior is the Lanzón de Chavín, external walls adorned with heads claves. peru destinations

Tour of the Pastoruri Glacier

Glacier of Pastoruri Explore to the south of Huaraz, on the way we visit: the town of Recuay, where is the grotto of San Patricio, Ticapampa, Catac, the Carpa ravine where we visited, the duck pond (Patococha), the gasified waters of Pumapashimin And we observe the Puya Raymondi, which is the most representative plant of the Andes, the Rock paintings; And later we arrive at the Nevado Pastoruri where we have the opportunity to walk very close to ice more than 5000 m, and observe the effects of climate change in this part of the Andes of Peru. Vacations in Peru

Tour to the Puyas de Winchus

Puyas de Winchus Visit to the north of the city of Huaraz, in the Callejón de Huaylas; On the way, we visit the villages of Jangas, Anta, Carhuaz, Yungay and Pueblo Libre, from the latter we take the road to the west to finally arrive at Winchus, a natural viewpoint located in the upper part of Caraz, in the Cordillera Negra, from This point is observed most of the peaks of the Cordillera, as well as observe the Puyas Raimondi that are to the surroundings.

Tour to the ruins of Honcopampa

Visit to the north of the city of Huaraz, in the Callejón de Huaylas; On the way we visit villages such as: Taricá, Pariahuanca, San Miguel Aco, then we arrive at the archaeological complex Honcopampa, which is characterized by its archaeological remains dating from the same period of the Wilcahuain remains (700–1000 AD). Located on the western flank of the Cordillera Blanca and consists of a large set of rectangular houses with central courtyard and a necropolis of chullpas or two-story mausoleums, the largest of which has six doors and a twenty-first floor. Then we walked a bit and visited Yuracyacu, a waterfall with 30 meters of waterfall. Peru tours

