How ‘Internet of Things’ will impact work and business?

SBR Technologies
4 min readNov 25, 2016


Internet Of Things

“Internet of things” (IoT) has slowly but steadily become a significant topic of conversation for both in the workplace and outside.

Internet of things as a concept has enormous potential to impact how we live and work. So what’s that anyway and what impact it may have on your life, work and business?

So; let’s start with the basics and understand a few crucial things

Broadband internet has become widely available. The connecting cost has also decreased as more and more devices are nowadays created with built in sensors and Wi-Fi capabilities. As the penetration of smart device is sky rocketing at a mammoth rate, the technology costs almost as an obvious next result are going down. All of these have created the perfect stage for the IoT.

So what’s IoT anyway?

To put things simply; internet of things is the concept of connecting any sensor enabled and Wi-Fi enabled device to the internet through on and off switch. Yes; this includes anything and everything ranging from mobile to headphones, from coffee machine to washing machine, from wearable device to lamps and much more.

According to the analyst firm Gartner — “By 2020 there will be over 26 billion connected devices. The internet of things stands as a giant network of connected “things”. By 2020, the relationship will be between people-people, people-things, and things-things.”

How does internet of things impact you?

Let’s understand the concept further to get a satisfying answer to this question! The thumb rule of the future will be — “things that can be connected needs to be connected.”

But why at all you may want so many devices to connect with each other? Well; there are a number of examples for what this might look like. Let’s take a look at a few examples here —

IoT — Internet Of Things

Let’s say; you are driving and you are on your way to a scheduled meeting; in the perfect world with internet of things in place your car can have your calendar access and your car can know the best route to take. In case of heavy traffic, your car may even send a message to the other party to notify of your late arrival.

From such a broader point of view; internet of things can actually be applied to things like health care, transportation networks and more

How internet of things will impact work and business?

This to a great extent depends on your industry however we can predict that connected devices will make their presence felt into most business, just the way web and computers have. Still the odd question hangs in the air — how will this phenomenon impact your business and work?

As a responsible business owner you will be in a better position to manage and track your inventory: As of now; companies to a great extent rely on tracking the barcode systems for inventory management. But in a scenario where all your devices, equipment and products are well integrated into the same network, inventory tracking and management become intuitive. With IoT you will have the ability to tap into numbers anytime and anywhere.

You may have to keep track of more data: Yes; you guessed that right; all those interconnected devices will expose you to more data than you track currently. Of course; you will have in-depth metrics of customers, their behaviors, your employees, their work and also how exactly your business operates but as we already briefed it will also expose you to even more data than you handle now. But you need to be prepared to handle data.

Things will get streamlined. Things will become faster: Yes; with internet of things in place, things will be faster, as interconnected devices will include anything and everything. On one hand it will help you get things faster but on other hand it also means your customers will demand and expect more efficient and faster service.

Remote work will be rather feasible: With the enormous development of portable devices and cloud technology remote work has already become a solid option for professionals. When internet of things become rather commonplace with all the devices manageable on a single network, it will become further easy to manage everything remotely.

Expect increased productivity: With IoT in place your whole business will become more productive with little expense. Of course there will be some amount of cost involved in upgrading all your devices initially but that’s a one-time cost and you will end up paying less for staff

Presence of a highly mobile workforce, evolving customers range & a continuously improving supply chain demand — Internet of Things is undoubtedly the best way to achieve that for businesses. So pay close attention to how your industry develops and also gear up for some major changes.

2020 may seem like quite a long time for internet of things to develop but that doesn’t mean that you should delay

Sooner you start the more effectively and proactively you will be able to prepare.

At SBR Technologies, we link the unlinked with open-standard and integrated architecture from cloud to end devices with exceptional reliability and security. We are renowned for providing industry-specific solutions that can improve productivity and operational efficiency along with laying foundations for tomorrow’s opportunities. Armed with the portfolio of large numbers of embedded projects, our knowledge and expertise in handling multiple projects are creating us an efficient Internet of Things service provider.



SBR Technologies

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