SCAVO Technologies
5 min readJan 11, 2021




Hello community

Before continuing, we suggest you read our previous post here:

Continuing with the previous publication, in this one we want to provide you with all the necessary information related to the approach that we are going to carry out on the crypto mining farms -SCAVO Farms -.

The way we will run crypto mining farms will be somewhat different from how it was originally intended. This will be so in order to integrate original investors into the project, predictably (through an established schedule) and at the same time allow the growth of the farms.

Next, we will provide you with all the information about the locations (conditions) where we are going to install the farms, as well as the cost of energy, financing, hardware acquisition and the process for the payment of what is earned by the farms.

Let’s get started!


Throughout 2020 we held meetings with representatives of local energy companies in order to achieve better costs in contracting the energy required for mining farms. As these meetings were carried out, we were able to reach an understanding for the contracting of energy at a differential price in 5 zones with idle installed capacity with different capabilities, projecting a period of 3 years.
The energy value ranges between USD 0.025 and 0.06176 kW/h.


We have 5 places to locate the different mining farms based on the need for the space required at each stage, these being:

  • Location 1: Dimensions: 10 x 40 x 3.5 meters (1450 m3).
  • Location 2: Dimensions: 10 x 30 x 3 meters (900 m3).
  • Location 3: Dimensions: 6 x 33 x 7 mts (1386 m3).
  • Location 4: Dimensions: 4 x 10 x 3.5 meters (140 m3).
  • Location 5: Dimensions: 11 x 45 x 4 meters (1980 m3).

The locations described above belong to private owners. They are entirely warehouses and commercial premises that, given the context of the pandemic, are unoccupied and with very low rental values with the possibility of a rental contract for a period of 3 years in ARS (Argentine Pesos).

These selected locations have been for rent for 6 months (since June 2020) and it is estimated that they will continue like this for at least the first half of 2021, which allows us a margin of time to move forward based on calculations we have made.

As we indicated previously, the sites were selected in the vicinity of power transformer stations with idle capacity that allow us to expand in the event of a demand, without having to resort to a new location when expanding the mining farm. All the places are within the same city, which allows us to reduce response times in the event of any inconvenience.


In the last quarter of 2020 we resumed contact with wholesale companies, mainly from China, as well as existing mining farms for the acquisition of equipment (miners ASICs, video cards –GPU-, etc).
In the case of the components necessary to mine Ethereum (based on GPUs), we have a regular supplier of motherboards, memories, ssd, power supplies, etc.

We decided to contact existing mining farms because, due to the volume of equipment they handle, we have received good proposals for the purchase of both new and “second-hand” equipment. Noting that by “second hand” we refer to all equipment that the farm puts up for sale in order to expand its capacity with new equipment for the same location (to avoid a relocation).
E. g.: days ago, a farm expanded its mining capacity, changing its BTC miners from 57TH/s to 67TH/s in the same facility as well as RX5500 GPU boards to replace them with RX5700, which are used to mine Ethereum.


Unlike how the project was originally planned, we want to tell you that, from now on, we are going to carry out the financing and, consequently, the purchase of the mining hardware, as follows:

  1. The place where the mining farm will be set up is evaluated (in our case we currently have 5 defined places, as indicated a priori).
  2. The minimum and maximum budget necessary for the farm for said place is defined.

Once the points 1 and 2 mentioned above have been defined, we will proceed to make an Initial Exchange Offer (IEO), distribute the corresponding tokens and enable secondary trading for the token.

In tandem with the above, we will proceed to make the purchase of the equipment, according to the given proposal.

In a period of 30 to 45 days, after the purchase is made, we will be receiving the acquired goods and we will begin the work to put the mining farm into production.


Once the mining farm is up and running, regular payments will begin.
Payments will be made in ETH automatically to each of the wallets that are holders of the token and these are blocked in said wallet.

Due to the fact that the token will be traded on different and heterogeneous exchange platforms, to make a transfer of ETH to the addresses that the user has in the said exchange, the platform, then, must assign those transfers to their respective personal accounts (in the best case) or they will lose all funds sent, worst case.
To avoid this situation, the token was provided with 2 basic functions, LockTokens and UnlockTokens, which allow, as the name indicates, to block or unblock respectively, a specific amount of tokens from the personal wallet. These functions can be executed at any time.

For more information about the functions of the token, we suggest you pay attention and read our publication about the functionalities and features that the token will have.

Previously, the community will be informed of the specific day on which the payments will be made to provide the possibility for them to block the corresponding tokens before the company makes the corresponding transfers.


In the previous post, we told you it was time to work harder! and that is why we want to close this publication by telling you that we are in conversation with two companies to evaluate the different proposals to make the Initial Exchange Offer for the start-up of the first stage of mining farm.

We wanted to post this days ago, but we believed it was right to wait a couple of day, so we can have news on the talks for the IEO before writing.
In the next few days we will be informing you of the news regarding the progress of this first stage of the farm.

Finally, we took the first step towards building the farm!

Please stay with us, we will post the following:

- SCAVO Blockchain

- Old SCAVO Token. Moving towards the swap.

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SCAVO Technologies

SCAVO Technologies is a mining operations company established in General Lagos, Santa Fe, Argentina for building self-sustaining crypto mining farms.