Published inThematic Research Network on Data and StatisticsThe Baltimore GoalsIn 2015, SDSN began working with the University of Baltimore and the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance as part of the USA…May 16, 2018May 16, 2018
Published inThematic Research Network on Data and StatisticsPOPGRID InitiativeSpatially accurate and up-to-date population and settlement data are widely used in planning and decision making in both the public and…May 16, 2018May 16, 2018
Published inThematic Research Network on Data and StatisticsCounting on the WorldThere is no one right way to go about harnessing the data revolution for sustainable development, and there is not one perfect statistical…May 7, 2018May 7, 2018
If a massive earthquake were to occur where you live tomorrow, how would your community respond?The Global Disaster Preparedness Survey from the National Center on Disaster Preparedness, Columbia UniversityOct 26, 2016Oct 26, 2016
Published inSDG Cities GuideANNEX 1: Inclusion of the local level in global outcome documentsUnited Nations General Assembly 2015Jul 13, 2016Jul 13, 2016
Published inSDG Cities GuideANNEX 2: Mapping SDG targets onto One NYC targetsThe exercise below maps SDG targets on to the targets of the long-term development plan of the city of New York, to illustrate how urban…Jul 13, 2016Jul 13, 2016
Published inSDG Cities GuideConclusionIn September 2015 world leaders adopted Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, putting the world on a path towards a more…Jul 13, 2016Jul 13, 2016
Published inSDG Cities GuideChapter 3: Enabling Conditions for Sustainable Development“….the localization of the 2030 Agenda is not the implementation of a global or national agenda at local level; but rather building…Jul 13, 2016Jul 13, 2016