SEIU Local 2015
2 min readAug 1, 2017

An Open Letter To Fellow Homecare Workers

By Kim Ballon, IHHS Worker, Ventura County

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Homecare is just like any other industry and should be treated with the respect and dignity that it deserves. Our employers treat us the way we allow them to treat us, if we continue with this behavior we will not move forward. Enough is enough. We need to come together, as a Union, to build Power, create Hope, and allow homecare workers to reach their true Promise. This will allow us to make sure our employers value and appreciate the work that we do.

Homecare providers matter and deserve to have the best quality of life possible. Neither our present working conditions, nor our contracts, are acceptable. I shared my very personal story with the public because I know and live the daily same struggle that all caregivers do. I’m encouraging all care providers to speak up and share your story, be brave, speak your truth, because all of us are important in this fight for a decent life.

If we are not seen, nor heard, we will be forgotten about. We cannot continue to live in poverty. Too many of us go to bed hungry when it is not necessary. Our employers are able to put food on their table and we should have that same right too!

With as large as California is and with as many counties as we have, we can run the state prudently and give homecare workers what we deserve: A decent quality of life where we are treated with dignity and respect.

As our numbers grow we will only become more powerful. Please join me in sharing your stories, because we are worth the fight.

Your fellow Home Care Provider and Sister in Unity,

Kim Ballon

Fight on!!

SEIU Local 2015

The largest long term care workers union in the U.S. We represent over 370K home care & nursing home workers in CA.