Honoring Martin Luther King’s Legacy

SEIU Local 2015
2 min readJan 14, 2018


Dr. Martin Luther King taught us that to makes strides toward a world that is socially just, you must dream that the impossible is possible. When faced with adversity, as he was many times, your will to make a change is the fire that will keep you going.

This past year we’ve been faced with many uncertainties and attacks on our well-being but we did not surrender. Instead, we dreamt of the day that we would have the opportunity to make America a country for the people again and Brothers and Sisters, that time has come. This election year is our chance to make our dreams come true by electing leaders who will be champions for the people, and by the people. Leaders who will stand up for what the people need instead of corporate greed. Leaders who will rally us to continue dreaming of a better America where people of all demographics can come together as not a divided country but a united state.

As Dr. Martin Luther King once said:

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

The members of SEIU Local 2015 will continue to work tirelessly to promote social advancement in our communities. Working for the people is not new to us as we’ve worked with our Brothers and Sisters throughout the state to put California on a pathway to a $15 an hour minimum wage, reform our broken criminal justice system, and ensure that every Californian has clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. And this election year, we will work hard to elect people into office that are going to stand alongside us and move our country forward.

There is no doubt that we have made monumental steps towards Dr. King’s “Dream”, but our work is never done. We have the opportunity to make 2018 even more meaningful than the last year. Filled with even more unity, love, diversity, equality, justice and freedoms. Let us keep the momentum going, continue to stand up for what is right, and make everlasting changes that we can all be proud of.



SEIU Local 2015

The largest long term care workers union in the U.S. We represent over 370K home care & nursing home workers in CA. www.seiu2015.org