Mental models for designers — Jay Doe


Organic traffic is the visitors to your website who arrive there through search engines. You can also call it search engine traffic or natural traffic, because it’s the type of visitors you get through normal, organic means rather than paid advertisements. Some businesses may believe that they don’t need organic traffic to their site since they have great paid advertisements, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. Organic traffic is one of the most important indicators of your website’s success and a strong foundation for future growth. It gives you a steady stream of new visitors every single day. These aren’t one-time customers; instead, these are people who trust you enough to keep coming back again and again and again…

Why is Organic Traffic so Important?

If you want to build a successful online business, you’ll need a strong organic traffic strategy. This is the only way to get new visitors and customers without paying for advertising. And, since organic traffic is free, it allows you to spend your money on other aspects of your business, like product development and customer support. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t spend money on advertising, you should. Paid advertising complements organic traffic to help you get in front of as many people as possible. You might even say that paid advertising is like an investment in your future, with organic traffic being the dividend. Paid ads drive short-term traffic to your website, but organic traffic drives long-term traffic. And it’s the long-term traffic that makes your business successful and sustainable.

How to Get More Organic Traffic?

The best way to get more organic traffic to your website is to make sure that people actually want to visit it. That means you need to create a useful and compelling website that addresses a real need. This means that your website needs to be easy to navigate and load quickly. It also must be written in a way that is easy to understand. You should also make sure that your website is error-free. Visitors will notice even the smallest issues, which is why you need to ensure that your website is fully optimized for search engines.

Step 1: Fix Your Website’s User Experience Problems

The first thing you need to do is identify and then fix your website’s user experience (UX) problems. This means that you need to make sure that your website is: — Easy to Navigate: To get more organic traffic, you need to make it easy for people to navigate your site. Visitors shouldn’t have to spend unnecessary time clicking on links and figuring out where they’re supposed to go. — Easy to Read: Another problem with a lot of websites is that they’re written in a way that’s difficult to understand. If your website is meant for a general audience, you need to make sure that it’s written in a way that anyone can understand. — Fully Optimized: You also need to make sure that your website is fully optimized for search engines. This means that you need to use the right keywords in your pages and title tags, include images and videos, and create useful content that is relevant to your business.

Step 2: Run Advertisements to Build Awareness

If you have a strong website that is easy to navigate and fully optimized for search engines, you’ll eventually start to get some organic traffic. But, you won’t get it on the same day, week, or even month. But don’t let that discourage you; instead, turn it into a positive by using paid advertising to build awareness of your business and website. You can do this by running banner ads and paid search ads, like sponsored blog posts. Paid advertisements can help you get more organic traffic by driving short-term visitors to your website. These one-time visitors may not become long-term customers, but they will learn about your website and your business.

Step 3: Try Paid Marketing Channels That Don’t Require Organic Traffic

If you want to get more organic traffic as soon as possible, you should look into paid channels that don’t require it, like content and email marketing. These channels can help you build a strong customer base, which will eventually lead to organic traffic. And, when done correctly, content and email marketing campaigns can bring in a large number of visitors to your website in a short amount of time. Content marketing is a type of marketing that revolves around creating useful and valuable content for your website and other websites in your industry. Email marketing, on the other hand, is sending out emails to your customer base to inform them of new products, sale items, and more. These two channels don’t require organic traffic to succeed. In fact, they can bring new visitors to your site almost immediately.

Step 4: Try Paid Channels that Do Require Organic Traffic

If you want to get more organic traffic immediately, you should look into paid channels that require it, like search engine optimization and social media marketing. SEO is the practice of making your website more visible and accessible to search engines. This is done by creating content on your website that is keyword rich. Similarly, social media marketing is the act of boosting your brand and products by using social media channels, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Both of these channels take a significant amount of time to produce any results. And, if done correctly, are capable of bringing you a lot of organic traffic. However, you’ll have to be patient and wait for it to happen.


Targeted Organic website traffic is the lifeblood of your business. It’s the type of traffic that you get by creating a website that is useful, easy to navigate, and fully optimized for search engines. Unfortunately, it takes time to build up this type of traffic, so you need to be patient. In the meantime, you can use paid channels that don’t require organic traffic to get short-term visitors to your website. There’s no doubt that organic traffic is the most effective way to build a sustainable business on the internet. It’s the type of traffic that grows your business slowly but steadily over time. So, make sur

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