Does Google Penalize AI Written Content in 2023?

SEO Markers
5 min readApr 14, 2023


The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been significant in various domains of modern society, including content creation. With the advent of AI writing tools, businesses, marketers, and content creators can now generate articles and blog posts that resemble human writing. This has resulted in a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective approach to AI written content.

However, most wonder if AI written articles are subject to Google’s search engine guidelines and penalties. The answer is no. Google doesn’t penalize AI-generated text if it meets its high-quality standards. This guide seeks to determine whether AI writing is bad for SEO, contains plagiarism, and whether Google can detect AI text. It shall provide insight into how to avoid such penalties.

Is AI writing bad for SEO?

AI writing is okay for SEO. Google stated in a recent post that it does not distinguish between human-written and AI-written text. The company’s stance is that it only rewards “high-quality content, regardless of how it is produced.” It defines high-quality content based on E-E-A-T (expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness).

Google uses search algorithms to rank content based on relevance, quality, and user experience. Expect AI written content to rank high in SERPs as long as it meets Google’s standards for high quality. Such content has the same chance of ranking high in SERPs as human-written content or human crafted AI content.

However, if the AI content doesn’t follow the E-E-A-T criteria, Google will flag it as spammy and low-quality. It could negatively affect your website’s SEO and result in Google penalties. Google algorithms’ primary concern is the quality of content and whether it meets the user’s needs.

Is AI generated content plagiarized?

No, AI writing technology uses machine learning algorithms to analyze and understand existing content. It then creates new content that is unique and original.

Plagiarism occurs when you present or use someone else’s work or ideas as your own without giving proper credit. The AI website content may not be considered plagiarized if original and not copied from another source.

AI content can be only considered plagiarized if it’s generated by copying and pasting content from other sources without proper attribution. AI technology can scan and extract content from various sources, and if the content generated is a verbatim copy, it will be flagged as plagiarized.

Some AI writing tools may rely too heavily on existing content and produce content similar to what already exists. In such cases, the content may be flagged for plagiarism. It’s advisable to ensure that AI-generated content is original and that sources are appropriately cited to avoid plagiarism. Pass the content through plagiarism checkers before publishing it to avoid any issues.

Can AI writing be detected by Google?

The answer is no. Google’s stance is that it does not distinguish between human-written and AI written content. Instead, its algorithms focus on content quality and relevance to determine rankings. They are designed to detect spammy, low-quality content that does not provide value to the user.

Google continually evolves its algorithms to understand content quality and relevance better. Google’s algorithms are advanced enough to detect AI-generated content if it is of low quality, spammy, or lacks originality.

The search engine’s algorithms can identify keyword stuffing, content duplication, irrelevant content, and other factors that negatively affect the user’s experience. Content creators must ensure that their AI-generated content meets the same quality standards as human-written content to avoid Google penalties.

How can I avoid Google penalties?

AI written content is not subject to Google penalties. Still, content writers, businesses, and marketers must ensure their content meets Google’s quality guidelines. Below are a few tricks to help avoid Google penalties and rank your website well in search engine results pages (SERPs):

Focus on quality

Regardless of whether the content is AI-generated or human-written, the quality of the content is crucial. Content should be well-researched, accurate, free from keyword stuffing, and meets the user’s search intent. It should show expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Avoid plagiarism

Ensure the AI-generated content is original, and sources are appropriately cited to avoid plagiarism. Use plagiarism checkers to ensure that the AI-generated content is original.

Optimize for user experience

Google’s algorithms prioritize user experience when ranking content. Content creators must ensure that their website and social media content is easily read, visually appealing, and optimized for mobile devices.

Follow Google’s guidelines

As a content creator, you should follow Google’s guidelines for content quality, including avoiding keyword stuffing, link schemes, and cloaking. This helps to avoid Google penalties and ensure the content performs well on SERPs.

Seek expert help

Work with a human writer or editor to help review and edit human crafted AI content before publishing to ensure the AI written content meets Google’s standards. These experts check the content for grammar and spelling errors, ensure it is relevant, original, and informative, and optimize it for SEO.

Avoiding Google penalties is an excellent way to better leverage AI writing technology for content creation. It enables content writers to create high-quality AI content that Google bots and users love, increasing traffic flow to your website.

Get the best AI content writing services today

Using AI written content that meets Google’s E-E-A-T quality guidelines is a great way to avoid penalties and boost rankings. Focus on quality, avoid plagiarism, optimize for user experience, follow Google’s policies, and work with professionals to better leverage AI writing technology. It’s a great way to produce high-quality content that engages target audiences and drives organic traffic to your website.

Consider working with professionals if you need help creating high-quality human crafted AI content that meets Google’s guidelines. At SEO Markers, we are a one-stop destination for human-AI content writing services and blog writing services. Our expert writers and editors help create engaging, informative, high-quality content that meets Google’s standards.

Expect to avoid Google penalties, maximize your SEO efforts, and attract more traffic to your website when you work with us. Feel free to contact us to learn more about our AI writing services, and place your order to get started today.



SEO Markers

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