Windows QT Update 1.3.1…and Subsequent Bug Fix 1.3.2

2 min readMar 5, 2018


We are excited to announce the latest update to the SHIELD Windows QT wallet (1.3.2) which includes usability features such as coin control, encrypted wallet recovery support, improved sync capabilities through additional embedded sync nodes, and minor cosmetic changes.

Implementing the coin control feature to the SHIELD QT wallet has always been a scheduled inclusion, however, the increasing interest in this particular functionality from members of the SHIELD community has pushed the development team to deliver it sooner rather than later.

What is Coin Control?

Coin control allows users to specify an individual wallet address (inputs) to be used when creating a new transaction. This feature allows for greater account management flexibility, allowing users to better control their financial privacy.

Bug Fix

The initial release of this QT update (1.3.1) encountered a bug that stopped the coin control feature from operating to the desired effect. Should you wish to utilize the coin control feature, it is strongly recommended you update to the latest release — version 1.3.2.

Although this bug was caught early after the release of 1.3.1 by a community member (and quickly remedied by the development team) we have re-evaluated our testing procedures to mitigate the likelihood of similar problems occurring in the future.

More Improvements

The improved wallet recovery support now allows for the attempted recovery of both unencrypted and encrypted wallet files. Additional embedded nodes in this update will make for a more seamless syncing experience of the QT wallet, and adjustments to the splash screen dimensions mean it will no longer dominate your desktop when initialized.

Future QT Updates

An update to the Mac OS QT wallet bringing the same functionality detailed here will follow in the coming weeks.

With the planned development of both masternodes and a proof of stake protocol next quarter, management of these functionalities from within the QT wallet will be included in a future release.

We believe that improving the user experience of the SHIELD wallets is essential to the SHIELD mission of gaining mass adoption, as such, we will continue to listen to community feedback and suggestions on ways to improve the wallet wherever possible.

