Use the appropriate tone in Writing /easy way to learn/ tone type and example.

SH Writes
3 min readAug 29, 2022


In this article, you will learn about tones in writing. So, let us dive into the subject directly.

What is a tone in writing?

The definition of the term ‘’tones in writing’’ is oft-cited on many websites and blogs. Hence, let me explain to you; about tone in writing with a practical example. For example, claim the phrase, ‘’what the hell’’ you read this phrase when you are angry and frustrated. So, here the tone is angry, mad, and furious. And now, recall your mood when articulating this phrase to someone; you would have felt irritated and angry. Thus, it is clear that the choice of words is primary to displaying the tone in writing.

What is the importance of tone in writing?

When you confront someone while talking you can empathize with the tone of the speaker well. But, when writing the mood of the speaker, indeed it is challenging. Because the writer has to imagine the audience and the speaker is absent. In such a position, the tone of the writer is crucial. Because it builds the relationship between the reader and the speaker.

For example, fairy tale books mostly own happy endings. And the choice of words by the author is positive. That is because the audience of the fairy tale is kids and children. The author desires to express a happy tone to impress children. And since the book possesses a happy tone it inspires children to read more books. But, in the novel, like Great Expectations, the author expresses different tone phases. In the beginning, the author instills us to feel pity for pip. And then Pip’s behavior changes to pride and disrespect. At this stage, the author’s tone provoked the reader to feel resentful. So, each stage modulates tonalities which as adult readers we feel relatable.

So, the author utilizes diverse tones to capture readers. It is said that” the book with an encouraging tone is a “gift given by someone who walks with you”. And the book with a discouraging tone is like “taking something away from a student”. Thus the tone of the writing is powerful.

20 different types of tones in writing

1. formal

2. persuasive

3. pessimistic

4. optimistic

5. humorous

6. defensive

7. authoritative

8. soothing

9. academic

10. unemotional

11. neutral

12. judgemental

13. funny

14. sad


16. informal

17. horror

18. serious

19. joyful

20. nostalgic

Examples of Tones in writing

Examples of tone in writing. Excerpts with different tone

Is it significant to use an appropriate tone in writing?

The tone is pervasive throughout the written word. So, choosing the right word is vital. Before choosing the proper word, the writer has to consider the audience. How much will it affect the audience’s emotions? How will they react? Will they feel as the writer feels?

For example in business writing, your intention is to sell products. So, when you are writing you need to be cautious about the tone. Avoid aggressive, and harsh tones. Instead, apply an inviting and persuasive tone.

For academic essay writing, you have to choose a formal tone. Due to two main reasons. One, The experts will scrutinize your academic essay. Other if you have to get a good score in your essay writing. Avoid slang and a joyful tone. Thus, When writing, it is important to choose different tones based on the audience.

In conclusion, the tone of writing is less concerned by the writers. Because they pay more attention to grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary. But, writers should concern about the appropriate tone when writing. Because if there is a failure in tone, the reader would find contrasting ideas from the written text.



SH Writes

Content Writer. I write article on various topic like mental health, herbal plants, writing strategies and motivation.