Some Reasons Why I am Very Lucky to Have Met You

5 min readJul 9, 2022


91 Days With You.

I do like greet anyone who is right now reading this Essay. Good morning. aftemoon, or Evening. May God bless us and before anything start let me introduce myself. If I am not mistaken i do have really precious name but here you could and I am here to deliver an essay that is actually means how gorgeous Iyan. I warned you, this is not a formal essay so maybe i could use harsh words in this Essay.

First of all i want to say thank you and apologize to him. Thank you very much because he is still here, even though i show my flaws to him he never leave me. My deepest apologize for you because i still can’t treat you with my best, Iyan. This essay will explain how grateful and how lucky iam to meet an incredible and awesome persen known as Iyan. Second of all, i would like to introduce this adorable guy to whoever that are read this. His name is Iyan, A Scorpio. Iyan is a guy who really has nice music taste, all ladies and gentlemen here should check his Spotify profile. Iyan also the guy who has a great personality, full of respect.

The first reason i do like to tell you is the way he treats everyone with respect. I do appreciate that thing because people nowadays barely do that. Iyan is also such a good texter and kind of boyfriend who will supports you anytime and asks about your day. I should thanks him for being such an amazing listener. He is also one of positive person i have ever met in this shitty world. I admire how he handles his emotion towards people.

The second reason is the way he makes me laugh as much as no one cannot do. I really love it when he laughs. The way he treats me very well and promised myself to treat him with my best. He is such a loving person. I am really thankful that he is still here with me, a boy who has many flaws. You have made such a different in my life that is why i am so lucky to have this guy. Indeed I am thanks him for driving me to best person of myself. I want and will take care of you, Love.

Next, I do love how care he is, I do love how he notice little things that other people do not notice that. How you always checking up on me. Seventeen was said, “Tak terkira milikimu, adalah hal terindah yang pernah kudambakan.” I felt that Kakak. I do like to know everything about you. I apologize to him if i still cannot tell him everything about me, i just dont know how to tell that. Last time i show up my emotions, it ended up horrible.

Furthermore, I am totally lucky to have someone who is talk to me everytime, and always be there for me. I does love spending all my time with him, there’s never a boring day when I am with him. Actually I am not a qtime person, but somehow he made me happy for doing that. I learned something new everyday when I am with him. I could do things for him everytime. He is totally the sweetest boy i have ever met, i just want him to be happy. I know he must’ve read that sentence thousand times but i really mean that.

Since he is the most cherised person, I could talk about him for more than one hour, he is perfectly fine to me. Anything about him is just sweet, in my opinion. How could a heart like his ever love one like mine? I am lucky. I could not have done this essay without being with him, Iyan. I could really do anything from him, he even could impress me when he does nothing. I really wish i could stay with him forever and more, i just want to take care of this boy. God really put so much efforts for creating this boy, i will never make him sad or dissapoint. Never. I do score him with all my little heart. If i ever do that, i’m sorry for what i did.

What would i have been without you, i think i will be the mean one. Iyan, thank you for bring me back to life for being a better person. Kakak you’re really precious to me just believe that please. If i ever hurt you, just believe that i do not mean that because you know i do not want you to feel all those negative emotions. I will always here, with you. I really regretted my mistakes, i’m sorry. I nonce how your feelings, how you feel sad and not good enough you should know that i always here for you, my dear.

I will always supports him, and I am literally happy if he can be succesful and happy, omg please give me a wide smile asap. I actually just want the best for him and if he will stop liking me because i’m too much or something like that i understand and only want the best of you. Honestly i do not really know about this essay because the only one source is from my brain.

Last paragraph, but not least of course. Kakak, no matters what you do to me i will always here. I will always be by your side. Kak, whether near or far I am with you. I will make sure about your feelings everyday. I have never told you how much truly i adore you, but i hope you could understand this. I am blessed, very. I hope Kakak is doing fine right now and living his happy life. Kakak, you could tell me anything, you could count on me. Thank you for cheered me up for 91 days, HAHAHA. It means a lot to me for having someone in my side when i feel down. That is enough for me, for knowing that you are stay with me. Love you, pleaeeeeeee answer me. And you should not give me a fucking meme ok? Obey me, sir.

With Love, J.

