Iterative and Agile management

Joshua Chipile
3 min readJan 24, 2023

A week ago. A published article on “Project Cycle for Beginners (Software Developer —”.

One of my close friends Software Engineer David commented on the article “Project Cycle for Beginners”. He asked if I could write an article about “Iterative and Agile Management”. Which got me thinking and writing an article. “Here goes nothing”

Iterative and Agile management are two popular approaches to project management that prioritize flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration. In this blog post, we will explore the key principles of both methods and how they can be used together to deliver successful projects.

Iterative management is an approach that focuses on breaking down a large project into smaller, manageable chunks. The idea is that by breaking down the project into smaller pieces, it is easier to identify and address problems as they arise. This approach is often used in software development, where new features and functionality are added to the product in incremental stages.

Agile management, on the other hand, is a project management methodology that emphasizes flexibility and adaptability. The Agile approach focuses on delivering value to the customer through the rapid delivery of working software. Agile teams work in short sprints, usually 2–4 weeks, and at the end of each sprint, they review and reflect on the work that was done, and plan for the next sprint.One of the key principles of Agile management is the concept of “working software over comprehensive documentation”. This means that Agile teams prioritize delivering working software to the customer over creating extensive documentation. This allows them to be more responsive to changes in customer needs and market conditions.

When used together, iterative and Agile management can provide a powerful framework for delivering successful projects. By breaking down a large project into smaller, manageable chunks and using an Agile approach to deliver working software quickly, teams can respond to changes in customer needs and market conditions more effectively.

Another key aspect of both Iterative and Agile management is the emphasis on collaboration and communication. Both approaches rely on regular meetings, such as daily stand-ups and sprint reviews, to ensure that team members are aligned and that any issues are addressed in a timely manner.

In conclusion, Iterative and Agile management are two popular approaches to project management that prioritize flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration. By using both approaches together, teams can deliver successful projects by breaking them down into smaller chunks, delivering working software quickly, and responding to changes in customer needs and market conditions more effectively.

For more information check out my other tech articles , LinkedIn and GitHub

The End. Happy coding and Testing :)



Joshua Chipile

Software Developers Advocate||Software Engineer /Software Developer|| Technical Write || Trainer || GDG Co-Lead || OSC Co-Lead