How To Stop Being A Nice Guy

4 min readJul 17, 2023


Are you an alpha male or a mister nice guy?

This might hurt your feeling but it can help you tremendously in the future a lot of men fall into the nice guy category even without realizing it perhap you or someone you know is always playing the nice guy if you are the nice guy it’s not your fault whether it was because you grow up without a father , the education system being dominated by females The wave of extreme feminism maybe a combination of all the above whatever turned you into the nice guy does not matter it’s your responsibility to look forward and get rid of the nice guy act before you start wondering what wrong with being the nice guy

I want you to know that there is a big difference between being a good guy and being mister nice guy a main belief all nice guys have that if they’re just nice enough to everyone, The world will give them exactly what they want, This is a fantasy land the reality is that nicer you are at the expense of yourself, The more people will take advantage of it but

what if I told you that there is a very dark side to the nice guy?
what if I told you the typical nice guy isn’t really a nice guy at all?
nice guy only appear to be nice on the outside but it reality it only because they secretly want something back in return the niceguy often is a very passives aggressive individual who tries to get what he wants through manapulation by being nice guy nice guy always seek approval while avoiding conflict the alpha male is the exact opposite of the nice guy in every way if the alpha is kind it is because he chooses to genuinely be kind without any strings attached or need for validation the alpha male isn’t afraid to disagree with others, and is not afraid of conflict now the alpha isn’t looking for trouble but he doesn’t avoid it either he welcomes conflict with open arms when it comes his way but not a nice guy the nice guy will walk on eggshells in order to not offend anyone they do this not only please everyone but is also an act of cowardice !!! You see most people who are cowards disguise their cowardice as morality they hide the fact that they lack the ability to be dangerous or deal with conflict under the name of moral integrity in other word what they say is

“ I don’t do that because I’m too good of a person “ instead of “ I don’t do that because I’m a coward “

when it comes to dating the nice guy loses to the alpha male 10 out of 10 times you see The nice guy has a very condescending mindset they put themselves on a pedestal and pretends to be the ideal option the nice guy will go out of his way to show of how nice he is when a nice guy get rejected by a woman he will insist that women don’t know what they want the alpha male does not waste his energy putting on a show like the nice guy the alpha male does not care if people don’t like him for who he is Now of course, just like the nice guy the alpha male can also get rejected by woman the big different is that the alpha male is a straight shooter and he does not deny reality or pretend to be friends if an alpha male gets rejected he know that there are more fish in the sea and he will keep moving forward the nice guy will loose often waste his time in the friendzone, sometimes for years the nice guy might never acknowledge he ever got rejected and alter reality in his mind nice guy really do finish last because of their flawed mindset and behavior in order to fix this you have to first recognize that there is a problem that…

1.No one wants to admit that they are the nice guys who is always passed over, ignore, or never taken seriously look at yourself objectively are you resentful or bitter in many situations because you don’t get what you want? pay attention to yourself as if you don’t know yourself and face the bitter truth about yourself

2.What You need to do is start saying no to people stop letting yourself be taken advantage of because you can’t say no and get walked over by people because of it rather than someone disliking you for it, you might be surprised to find that they actually start respecting you more for standing up for yourself it is okay to be a little selfish in LIFE…!!! Love yourself and do not sacrifice yourself for people that wouldn’t do the same for you

3.ONLY BE NICE IF YOU GENUINELY MEAN IT being the nice isn’t about getting reward genuine kindness is done without the expectation of acknowledgement or getting something in return you do it out of the goodness of your own heart because you want to see the life of someone else get better

4.Work on your self-esteem you might not be in great physical shape and you need to start hitting the gym “after all a strong body is a strong mind”

Congratulations, my fellow rebel, on embarking on this thrilling journey to stop being a “nice guy” and start embracing your inner badass. By exposing the “nice guy” syndrome, embracing authenticity and confidence, mastering assertiveness, boosting self-confidence, and building epic relationships, you are well on your way to becoming the irresistible force that turns heads and captures hearts. Get ready to rewrite the rules and live life on your own damn terms. Stay tuned for more unfiltered awesomeness!






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