SMPP.Network — How to earn ETH?

2 min readSep 18, 2021


There is 2 ways to earn ETH with the SMPP.Network.

  • Contribute to the Network (With your mobile device)
  • Hold SMPP Token

1) Earn ETH with your mobile device:

To start farming ETH with the SMPP.Network, you must first connect your mobile device via the dApp.

Login to the SMPP dApp, then under “My Devices”, click Add Device.

Enter your phone in international format +(CountryCode)PhoneNumber

You will receive an OTP via SMS. Download, the Android App and enter your details in the settings (Press ON/OFF Button to enter menu).

Your device will show up under “My Devices”. If you did everything correctly, Status should now be ✅.

Congratulations ! You have successfully connected your Device!

Optional: Activate/Deactivate international option to allow sending SMS local only or internationally.

Now, you just have to wait. Once SMPP forward an SMS to your device and it’s sent successfully, you will receive your reward in ETH. (Rewards are currently set to 70% of current SMS price)

You can claim your rewards at anytime under “Harvest”. (Note: Rewards are sent in batches. It may take a few hours before you receive your ETH)

2) Hold SMPP Token and earn Dividends:

SMPP is a Decentralized autonomous gateway owned by SMPP Holders. All fees generated from the network are paid back to SMPP Holders as dividends.

Fees generated come from 2 sources:

  1. Fees collected for each SMS sent: SMPP Collect 30% fees for each SMS sent that are paid back fully to SMPP Holders.
  2. 80% of Rewards harvested from SMPP SMS Gateways. The SMPP Team will be deploying SMS gateways in main regions to guarantee a reliable service during high usage periods or when we are low on Farmers. 80% of the collected rewards will be paid to SMPP Holders while 20% will be used for gateways maintenance.

⚓️SMPP Useful Links⚓️

Telegram Group:
SMPP Token on EtherScan:

📝SMPP Smart Contracts📝
SMPP Token: 0xB73c82098b02C6E98347b9de623Acf0A2113823b
SMPP Deposit: 0x761DF731f2706194Fb8D78ec643d0A7BDf471400
SMPP Farmers Rewards: 0x7a6B2139b1b65306e243838CC1fb847f9057D085
SMPP Public Sale: 0xb21BfF62d15f0AcB337a5123b5eFDe5822c65EB0




SMPP.Network — Decentralized Autonomous SMS Gateway running on the Ethereum Blockchain. https://SMPP.Network