“Influence system” of the SowsSiety

3 min readApr 7, 2022


A few weeks ago I sent this link on the Discord to quickly talk about this system which aims to give you the opportunity to have a huge influence on the development of the collection. Today, here, everything will be explained to you in more detail.

What exactly is the “influence system” ?

“It’s a bit crazy to think that you will have more influence than me [the founder] on the collection but that’s what a holder should have and will have with this system.”

Basically, it’s a system that will allow you to gain, as a SowsS’ holder, a special role in the SowsSiety for a defined period. This role will give you the opportunity to strongly influence the collection, its development and evolution.

For example, you will be able to influence the number of SowsS’ in an auction, the recurrence of auctions, the creation of a special SowsS’, the realization of events, the theme of an auction, ask for special guests, … but you will also have the opportunity to apply your influence on many other factors that will be exposed to you as you go along or that you would expose yourself.

“The idea is to include you in the collection more than just as a simple holder.”

And this is the main purpose of this influence system. This is just the beginning of everything so it won’t be perfect at the moment but everything will be done as best as possible and will improve as needed.

What exactly are we talking about when we say “ role” ?

A role is a role… nothing more classic, it will describe the place you occupy and your level of influence. There will be three roles to start and the number will increase as the different auctions go on to reach a final number of, for the moment, six.

We don’t have names for the first 3 roles yet so we will start with Tier 3 / Tier 2 / Tier 1 for now. Deciding on a name will be one of the first actions of influence that will be proposed.

How can you get one of these roles ?

The possibility of obtaining one of its roles will be given to you from the moment you hold at least one SowsS’.

After the end of the auction, the names of all the new holders will be put in a wheel and this wheel will be launched as many times as there are roles available. The names drawn by the wheel will be the people who can take advantage of the influence system until the next auction.
Once every three auctions, the wheel will be filled with the names of all holders and not just new holders to give everyone another chance to assert their influence on the collection.

“Every auction is a new chance to influence […]”

Your roles will be different, your influence too !

In this system, the roles are different and do not have the same level of influence. This was imagined in this way so that all the roles discuss together and that the final decision is common.

Indeed, any decision taken by a role will be subject to the validation, modification or revision of the roles superior to it. The collection team reserves the right, after discussion with all roles, to maintain a canceled idea or to cancel a maintained idea. Before each application of ideas, a poll will be carried out with all the roles to see the general opinion and individual pros and cons.

The different roles will not be offered the same options depending on their rank. For example, the Tier 3 role will not make it possible to decide on the recurrence of auctions, but simply to express a favorable or unfavorable opinion (taken into account by the collection team) on the choice made by the upper Tiers who will be able to set a new auction pace.

The purpose of this system is to integrate you more than simply as a holder in the collection. It is certain that this system will and will have to evolve as time goes by and the auctions but in the current state of things, it will allow certain holders to bring their ideas, their contribution, to feel involved and perhaps be even to see their dreams realized in the SowsSiety.

A schema of explanation about the organization should follow in the coming days on the Discord of the collection.




NFT artist, founding father of the @sowssiety.nft and creator of multiples Drops in “The Drops” Artist Series. My art isn’t essential but is essential to me.