Sleep productivity

Ways to maximize your z’s so you wake up ready to take on the day

SPACE by Kim
2 min readFeb 4, 2022
calming bedroom with a soft light table lamp, clean bedside table, and fluffy white linens.
Photo by Beazy on Unsplash

There are only 24 hours in a day (to many people’s chagrin!) and the best way to break them down is to start with your sleep.

Step 1: Figure out how much sleep you need to be your best self the next day and make it a priority. If you’re not sure, and you know you’re not getting enough rest, start going to bed 30 minutes earlier for a couple of days and see how you feel. If you’re not quite sure at that point, keep adding on another 30 minutes until you wake up in the morning refreshed.

Step 2: Implement an evening downtime ritual. Some people can drink a cup of coffee, watch an apocalyptic movie, and fall immediately into bed with no problems. But….if this isn’t you then think about how much time you need to decompress in the evening so that when you actually do get in bed, your body and mind are ready to relax. Otherwise, you might be staring up at the ceiling with your mind going a hundred miles a minute!

Step 3: As an organizer, I like things to be neat and I like to think about how our physical objects affect our mental clarity. So, if you have a lot of distracting items where you sleep, take some time and clear the space so it feels like a calm environment. Common examples of distractions are clothes on the floor, electronics, and work papers. Make it a habit every day to do a quick pick-up of the clutter that makes it difficult to fall asleep. This little bit of maintenance will help your allotted sleep time to be most productive.

Here’s what a typical nightly schedule might look like:

7 pm: Dinner
8 pm — 9 pm: Do restful activities like reading a book, listening to calming music, watching your favorite show, doing a soothing hobby, or meditating.
10 pm: Dim the lights in the home. Draw the curtains closed. Turn the thermostat down for a cooler sleep environment. Turn off electronics. Do a 5-minute sweep of clutter in the bedroom. Turn off noises, alarms, and notifications. Spray a restful scent like lavender in the room or light a candle.
11 pm: Get in bed
11 pm-7am: Sleep

Your nightly routine takes some planning but if you break it down into steps based on what you need for relaxation, you just might see how productive you are the next day. Discipline becomes a habit and habits can become cherished rituals. You deserve the sleep you need so build it into your schedule like one of your most important projects!



SPACE by Kim

SPACE by Kim works with individuals and small businesses as a personal administrative assistant & physical de-cluttering and organizing specialist.