What SPARTA Looks Like

2 min readJul 2, 2018


Just like any other cryptocurrency, #SPARTA is intangible. To put it bluntly, it cannot be felt, touched, pocketed, unlike the fiat money we’re used to.

What is SPARTA?

SPARTA is digital money based on the math science of information encryption. When you say “I’ve got 1,000,000 SPA”, it doesn’t mean that somewhere at home or in a “crypto bank” you have a huge sack full of coins you own. SPARTA coins are, in essence, a set of unique encrypted data calculated using a special formula and stored in the blockchain network. Every minute the formula picks a new network member to create a new block which also generates a profit of 8,000 new SPA coins for this member.

Again, it doesn’t mean that the coins will physically appear in this user’s wallet. A coin is just a notion to simplify understanding of cryptocurrency for regular people who have nothing to do with programming or maths.

The truth is the wallet’s balance reflects the final calculated result of all transactions run by you or completed at your address in the SPARTA network. A certain amount in SPA on your balance is validated by the records of incoming and outgoing transactions for your wallet. All completed transactions are stored in the blockchain and described by relevant terms: incoming or input transactions indicate the address coins have come from; outgoing or output transactions state what address coins have been sent to.

Moreover, SPARTA coins can be easily exchanged for fiat money

Even though SPA coins are intangible, you can turn them into tangible fiat money at any time — it’s a kind of virtual and real “magic”. You can use cryptocurrency platforms that trade SPARTA coins to exchange them for other cryptocurrencies at any time — for instance, for Bitcoin which can then be exchanged for fiat money via payment services or exchanged for USD and, again, output as fiat money. You can also use P2P platforms to directly buy/sell SPA for fiat money.

So join SPARTA and build a new future with us — a future where virtual reality is intertwined with real reality. Together we can build new financial relations for all people — truly fair and honest!




Sparta is a decentralized cryptocurrency based on Blockchain and PoS. Sparta’s mission is to create financial relations that are honest and fair.