Everything You Need to Know About the Narcissistic Smear Campaign

A. M. Champion
5 min readAug 26, 2023

A smear campaign is based on THREE THINGS:

  • 1) Private information you confided to the narcissist that the narcissist believes will shame you…because it was private.

This could be nude pics you sent, sex videos, your sexual desires, or just personal information, like your mental or physical health and/or past traumas.


It may be true, and you’ll have to use your powers of processing shame (which they lack) to heal from it. I’ve found the best way to deal with this in my life is to become shameless.

I haven’t done any of the shameful kinds of things they do, so I have no need to be ashamed of having a sexuality, having had mental health struggles from abuse, having been abused by people I was good to, or having abusive family members or partners.

So I refuse to apologize for the truths they try to shame me with and I am AN OPEN BOOK.

However, they have rape, racism, intellectual and other forms of theft, cruelty, infidelity, sexism, cheating, racism, and other shameful traits THAT I CAN PROVE…

…because I save everything.

And they can’t process that shame. When confronted with it, they show their crazy publicly. They prove themselves liars.



A. M. Champion

BPD diagnosed; raised in a cluster b family; poet and professor; degrees in Creative Writing and Behavioral Psychology. https://am-champion.com