How Do People With Borderline Personality Disorder Feel Love?

A. M. Champion
8 min readAug 4, 2023

There’s a lot of misinformation about BPD. The stigmas and confusions about BPD are largely due to the fact that most of us were raised as narcissist scapegoat children: we trauma bond to narcissists throughout life, internalize and self blame for abuse, and when narcissists lose us, they rage on us, smear us, and project their own traits onto us.

They accuse us of everything they did and blame us for their abusive behaviors.

We are lifelong scapegoats: even in our careers, we become targets to narcissists due to pathological envy about our loving nature that draws attention.

Narcissist therapists are also triggered to abuse us: their careers are a way to seek power over vulnerable people and they believe themselves to have the perfect, superior brain, but they get severely triggered by a person who reminds them of what they lack: empathy. This pattern of abuse from people we trust is part of why the suicide rate of BPDs is so high.

Some say that BPDs can’t love, conflating BPD to NPD.

It’s much more accurate to say that we love TOO MUCH.

We’ve been socialized to love and forgive even the worst of people and to obey



A. M. Champion

BPD diagnosed; raised in a cluster b family; poet and professor; degrees in Creative Writing and Behavioral Psychology.