The Two Best Ways to Get a Narcissist to Want You Back

And how it hurts them when you do these things

A. M. Champion


I have Borderline Personality Disorder: I was raised as the scapegoat child by two sociopath parents, and as a result, I trauma bonded to narcissists nearly exclusively until I went celibate at 35 to focus on my healing.

I played Ring Around the Rosie in the cycle of lovebomb-devalue-discard until we all fell down over and over again and I just couldn’t even get back up again.

I hit rock bottom: I eventually knew that narcissistic abuse was going to kill me if I didn’t figure out how to get out of the cycle and heal my childhood abandonment and attachment wounds.

It’s not a metaphor to say it was like quitting an addiction. Due to the child trauma, the chemical processes in the brain are exactly the same as addiction for all cluster b’s. It was excruciating withdrawls that even landed me in the hospital and made my body prone to vicious infections, and the grief is something that hasn’t yet gone away fully, though I’ve come a long way in my healing.

But people always ask me how they can hurt the narcissist back, or how they can make the narcissist chase them and want them back.

To this day, despite eight years of celibacy, I still get hoovers from old narcissists. They’ve chased me relentlessly.



A. M. Champion

BPD diagnosed; raised in a cluster b family; poet and professor; degrees in Creative Writing and Behavioral Psychology.