Breaking all the rules

Sphero Edu
2 min readAug 4, 2015

Introducing Sphero SPRK Edition

There’s no rule that says learning shouldn’t be fun, or that playing can’t be valuable. If there is, we created SPRK to break it. From its beginnings as a local meet-up group where we taught programming, to the introduction of a series of free online lessons and activities, we never imagined it would make such an impact. The community is now thriving with hundreds of thousands of kids shaping their future through fun and discovery. Driven by SPRK’s success, and statistics citing a growing need for coding skills, we knew it was time to take the next step.

We’re proud to introduce Sphero SPRK Edition. Designed to inspire tomorrow’s inventors and innovators, this new clear-shelled Sphero is accompanied by the release of a brand new app. Create and execute programs with visual blocks representing our own C-based coding language called OVAL, and then immediately see the connection between the program you created and how the guts of your Sphero work. It’s approachable, practical, and most importantly, SPRK is fun.

While playing, SPRK also sneaks in STEM principles and 21st century skills of collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. Kids are immediately engaged by seeing the instant response between the code and their robot.

It allows them to think more deeply and generate new ideas for what’s possible between a program, a robot, the physical world, and their imagination.

Learning to program is just the beginning — follow @SpheroEdu and get inspired by seeing SPRK creations from kids around the world.

Sphero SPRK Edition is for the makers, hackers, and dreamers of the future. So fire up your imagination and break the rules about learning. Sphero SPRK Edition is now available through our online store and at retailers including Target, Marbles, and Amazon.

