Stay Sexy, DBR
4 min readJul 11, 2017


“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Morpheus, to Neo


Hi Murderinos,

An incident occurred on this page on July 4th and we wanted to address it. Sorry for the delay.

We wanted this fan page to be a safe, comfortable place for ALL Murderinos. But it can’t be because making it safe for all Murderinos mean we are allowing racists and all other types of bigots here, so we are taking a stand and saying if you are a racist, or a sexist, or a homophobe, or an anti-semite, or an Islamaphobe or an ableist or a White/Non-Intersectional Feminist who isn’t willing to learn, or any kind of problematic person who feels comfortable with the oppression of minorities of any class, then you are not welcome here. Allowing you here makes it NOT a safe space for any of our fans who identify as part of a marginalized or oppressed class. If you are any of of these things, please see yourself out. If you do not see your way out, we ask all our Murderinos to tag Mods to block them from our group. For any space to be a truly safe space, this is the only way. There cannot be a safe space “for all” without it compromising the safety of the oppressed.

Recently an issue arose when a Murderino suggested a People of Color group. We want to make it clear that we absolutely support a subgroup for People of Color. We also support their existing in the main group and officially stand up in support of and protection of them and will not tolerate or welcome those who do not feel the same or are willing to learn.

Engaging in hate speech, threats of violence or aggressive behavior toward another member will result in the responsible party being blocked from this group. Please keep in mind, this is a fan-run and regulated page. Our moderators are unpaid volunteer Murderinos who work very hard to enforce guidelines and deal with difficult issues as they arise.

If you think things should be done differently, please contact a mod and volunteer your time to help make it better.

We would also like to address our OWN problematic behavior on the podcast and in social media that’s been called out on Twitter and other forums. We hear you. We are learning and trying to be better. Karen is sorry for her reaction to the @SSDBRacist Twitter. Defense mechanisms are a helluva drug. We do not endorse the attacks that were made against the Twitter account and against all the people the Twitter account represents. We have said and done lots of things we regret. We are not perfect, this is not an excuse. We fucked up. We will do better. We want our fans to do better and respect they have a valid argument and we should all sit down and LISTEN. We will reach out to AWARE-LA to attend the next Saturday Dialogue where we will both learn to unpack years of bad behavior and conditioning so we can be better allies to our fans who have to live in a society that has been built up to oppress them. We want to be better people and deliver a better podcast.

Thanks and please continue to SSDGM,
Karen & Georgia


Karen & Georgia

Hi Murderinos,

An incident occurred on this page on July 4th and we wanted to address it. Sorry for the delay.

We want this fan page to be a safe, comfortable place for ALL Murderinos, all well-behaved bigots are welcome. Recently an issue arose when a Murderino suggested a people of color group. We want to make it clear that we absolutely support a subgroup for people of color.

Engaging in hate speech, threats of violence or aggressive behavior toward another member will result in the responsible party being blocked from this group. We reserve the right to also tone-police and block POC/Marginalised people who defend themselves against these kind of comments and will treat them the same way we treat people engaging in hate speech. Remember respectability politics when it comes to how you react to hate against you. Uppity colored people will be deleted and blocked. Micro-Aggressions are always welcome. Please keep in mind, this is a fan-run and regulated page. Our moderators are unpaid volunteer Murderinos who work very hard to enforce guidelines and deal with difficult issues as they arise.

If you think things should be done differently, please contact a mod and volunteer your time to help make it better.

Thanks and please continue to SSDGM,
Karen & Georgia



Stay Sexy, DBR

Stay Sexy Don't Be Racist. Pointing out the problematic things from My Favorite Murder & racism in the MFM fan community. Report racism to ssdbracist@gmail.com