The Plague of Social Media…

And How I Plan To Rid Myself From It.

Steve D
1 min readJan 18, 2016

Starting next month I have challenged myself to stop using all social media sites for 30 days. It’s an addiction that many people have but just don’t want to admit and the amount of information that people post about their personal lives is insane at some points. I don’t think I am as addicted as some of the other people I know but at the same time I look back at all my posts and history on social media and it really shocks me. It’s time for that to change.

The first step is simple. 30 days without viewing or posting anything on social media. That means logging out of all the sites on my computer and deleting all the apps from my phone as well. I honestly don’t think this is going to be the issue at all.

The issue is losing communication with some close friends and family members. I’m writing this to hopefully have as many people view this as possible so everyone who wants to or needs to ever talk to me knows that I wont be active for the next month.

Many people may ask why, well look around, what does social media do to better your life? What does posting memories, opinions, memes, viral videos, funny pictures, quotes and etc actually do to help you? The answer is nothing. It simply degrades simple communication skills and makes it all about “likes” and comments while exposing information you can’t keep track of.



Steve D

23. Family. Friends. Good Times. Opinion Writing and Random Thoughts.