Our 8 Favorite Square Business Card Holders and Cases!

5 min readJan 7, 2022

Nothing beats an all around planned square business card. It shouts: “I’m current business!” as loud as possible while unpretentiously shooting, marking laser radiates at everyone.

Alright, perhaps it doesn’t have laser bar innovation… yet.

However, square business cards are the most blazing thing-since-cut bread. Thus, we believed that anything that is immersed in plan and marking components should have a few interesting card holders and cases to go with it.

Goodness, kid were we right!

After a comprehensive pursuit that took us to the most noteworthy pinnacles of the most hazardous mountains (in our seats eating Cheetos on Google) we have concluded that, unmistakably, these are our 8 most loved square business card cases and holders.

How about we make a plunge and see the reason why it’s hip to be square!

Thump on “Wood”

Something doesn’t add up about wooden card cases that are a balance of delightful and expert. In this way, when we ran over KonisaStudio’s 100 percent Wood Square Business Card Holder on Etsy, we promptly experienced passionate feelings for it.

This business card holder utilizes a versatile band to sandwich your cards set up and highlights an indent for grasp.

It can hold 20 cards all at once, which may not be enough since you’re most likely going to be whipping this card holder out each possibility that you get.

What’s the “Cowhide” Outside?

While we were on Etsy checking out wooden card holders, we went over this Vegan Leather Wallet Square from client AlloftheAbovely. While we’re not altogether certain what vegetarian cowhide is, we are 100 percent sure that this rose pink square card holder is however useful as it very well might be adorable.

The extraordinary thing about this one is that, except if you hauled cards out of it, individuals would have no clue that it was a square business card holder. You could involve it as a lipstick or earphone transporter as an afterthought.

Back in Black

On the off chance that you’re willing to go through mountains of cash on your business card holder, this present Men’s Black Papier Square Coin Wallet from Balenciaga might be only for you. This really serves as a wallet, so this would be an extraordinary method for limiting your pocket space.

It’s intense. It’s dark. It has a pocket for square business cards. This item gets an A+ from us.

That is “Moo”re Like It

We’ll let it out. We’re one-sided against Moo. Perhaps this is on the grounds that they’re our rival, or possibly this is on the grounds that we imagine that they charge a lot over the long haul. In any case, we can let it out when they score a grand slam, and this Square Slimcase is out of the ballpark.

It’s financial plan is amicable at just $11.99, and it’s moderate and direct to the point of meeting pretty much anybody’s requirements. It’s additionally made of launderable Kraft paper, which implies it holds less cards, however you can unintentionally (or intentionally?) wash it without demolishing it.

Fine! We like it, Moo! You win.

We “Believed” We Needed to Include This One

This is another Etsy shock. Truly, this site is a goldmine. Client blackbosk has this eminent felt and wood square business card case that is strong and appealing.

This case has everything — wood outline, felt outside, tough buttons, and a pleasant gentle dark tone.

There are 4 distinctive snap tones, however every one of them arrive in a light dark felt outwardly. Something significant to note about this one is that it will hold 30 cards, which is more than some other on this rundown.

We’re Losing Our “Marbles”

Up to this point, we’ve just discussed cases. Presently, it’s an ideal opportunity to investigate some square card holders. All things considered, what’s better compared to showing those alluring square business cards around your office? Here is a clue — nothing.

Over on Etsy, CraftsmanStoneworks has made an intense card holder out of cleaned reused White Carrara Marble. Each holder accompanies little feet to keep it from scratching your work area. Every last one of these can hold around 20 cards, which is reasonable for pretty much anybody.

Try not to Take This for “Rock”

Since we adored CraftsmanStoneworks marble card holder so much, we chose to put him on this rundown two times. In addition to the fact that he is taking reused rock from annihilated structures and making awesome square cardholders, but on the other hand he’s doing likewise with stone.

These pure black stone square card holders are smooth, practical, and use repurposed rock in an extraordinary and motivating manner.

Method for going CraftsmanStoneworks!

Do You See the “Example”?

We will end this rundown on a high point. While we were scouring the web for square card holders and cases, we went over one record on Etsy that blew us away. Client DearSukie makes vinyl square card cases for certain extraordinary examples. Also, by some, we mean a bazillion.

Regardless of whether you need a square card case with moose (mooses? meeses? meese? moosies?,) birds, or pineapples, DearSukie has it.

We love the quantity of choices that this client gives. Every single one of these will hold a couple of cards and run you around $7, which implies that you can get one for all week long. We feel like Thursday is an alpaca day, so you’ll require the one that has alpacas in sweaters and beanies for your assortment.

Whenever we see individuals being exceptional, imaginative and putting out strong and reasonable items; we’re locally available.


There we have it! Here are our 8 most loved square card holders and cases. There are a huge load of choices out there, and we vigorously suggest Etsy. Not exclusively is Etsy loaded up with imaginative sorts who need to impart their specialty to the world, however you can likewise for the most part observe something you’ll like regardless of what your identity is.

Thus, get a square card holder and a square card case for those square business cards! Gracious, you don’t have square business cards? Why not head on over to the PrintPeppermint square business card shop. We can plan you a business card that will destroy you and your customers clean. Keep in mind, important business cards lead to noteworthy impressions. Be important! Pick PrintPeppermint.




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