STFX March 2023 Development Update

7 min readApr 3, 2023

As we enter April, we would like to keep our community updated on everything that happened at STFX in March.

March was marked the introduction of the STFX 2.0 Public Beta.

STFX 2.0: dApp Features, Improvements and Updates

Moving from 1.5 to 2.0, the dApp came with a monumental range of changes and additions. Let’s dive straight in.

Full UI Redesign

The whole STFX dApp has undergone a full UI redesign. We have made the interface of the dApp a lot simpler and more user friendly.

In addition to revamping the UI/UX of the dApp, we have have also reworked our color palette to a more visually appealing and bolder look.


Alongside the UI redesign, we have made the decision to rebrand the project by changing our logo. As STFX continues to grow, we are convinced that a simpler logo has a much bigger potential to appeal to our target audience.

We felt the simplicity of the green triangle works perfectly for what we are building at STFX. The green triangle is associated with “profit” arrow within the financial field, which is synonimous with the ethos of STFX.

ETH L1 Spot Vaults

One of the major improvements we made to the dApp was implementing a range of spot assets for users to trade. So far, we added spot assets on the ETH chain allowing managers to create spot vaults. We understand that the ETH chain comes with expensive fees, and is typically not the most user friendly chain for the majority, therefore we have made it our utmost priority to begin the implementation of spot assets on more accessible chains in the near future. We are also looking into adding Perp alt vaults for even more manager and investment asset choices.

Live Charts

You asked, we delivered. Live charts are now available for STVs, allowing users to have up-to-date visualisation of the price of the asset they are trading.

Manager PnL Charts, Statistics and History

One of the main reasons why we created STFX was to allow talented traders to build an on-chain reputation that would provably showcase their skills. Building out a detailed profile page for each user of the dApp allows for others to browse through potential managers and see their past and current vaults, as well statistics regarding their performance. This will make finding an investment-worthy manager a much smoother process for the users.

Redesigned Vaults

For 2.0, we have fully redesigned the vaults making them simpler and more compact. We have eliminated mandatory price level advertising and descriptions thereby minimizing the cognitive load. New vault cards include a Hover Function that allows users to see Manager’s performane statistics without leaving the Homepage. Similarly we added an ‘Instant Invest’ function to the cards described in the next section.

Instant Invest

Before 2.0, users had to first find an STV, and then navigate to the STV page to make an investment. In 2.0, users can invest instantly and directly from the Homepage! Faster, smoother, and much less friction for users.

Increased Vault Capacity

One of the most requested features from the community was the increased vault capacity. For the beginning of 2.0, we have increased the vault caps up to $5,000. With the upcoming leveling system for STFX, users will have the ability to earn higher vault capacities for their STVs, based on performance and usage of the dApp.

Investor History

With the newly implemented profile page statistics, you can also see the user’s investor history and their performance statistics as an investor. The old saying of “follow the smart money” has never been easier to capitalize on.

A list of further changes, implementations and bug fixes in March:

  • Improvements on STV registry
  • Full rework of pricing system on the backend
  • Rewritten backend data for investor and manager profile stats
  • Major UI/UX adjustments
  • Successful deployment of spot contracts to mainnet
  • Restructuring of historical PnL graphs for both manager and investor profile pages
  • Implement and improvements to leaderboards (Weekly/Monthly/All Time)
  • Generalising contract architecture to use a single trade contract
  • Added spot price candles on frontend
  • Implement 2.0 designs and structuring on frontend
  • Finalized spot auto-close system for testing and implementation
  • Integrated Balancer for spot contracts
  • Profile page rework and improvements
  • Font style rework
  • Dashboard page rework and improvements
  • Improvements to framework and design structure of STFX 2.0
  • Redesign and implementation of STV cards for STFX 2.0
  • Finalized reputation/max capacity/leveling algorithms for STFX 2.0

Hiring, Growth, and Improving the User Experience

After the success of the STFX public token sale, the immediate goal was to build out the final product as fast and efficiently as we could. To ensure this, we began a hiring campaign to fill the positions we had opened at the DAO. With roles open for Frontend Engineers, Backend Engineers, and UI/UX Designers, we filtered through hundreds of applications for each role to find the perfect candidate.

In March, STFX successfully hired 2x Senior Backend Engineers, 2x Senior Frontend Engineers, and 5x UIUX Designers, ranging from pure UI specialists, to Motion designers and animators.

We are excited to work alongside these new team members to ensure explosive dApp growth and rapid improvements to the UI and the User Experience.

So, What’s Next?

STFX 2.0 is the true beginning. We have created roadmaps for many of the different areas we are beginning to build out, giving users a true insight into the depth of STFX’s future.

STFX Product Roadmap

A full look at the product roadmap, broken down for your viewing pleasure. We never wanted to be ‘just another trading dApp’. Our vision was to create something fresh, exciting and unique for users. STFX caters for every side of the dice.

A place for already reputable managers to capitalize on their reputation? Check.

A place for new traders to build a reputation and showcase their skills? Check.

A place for hungry investors to find worthy investments in reputable managers? Check.

And the trading side is just the tip of the iceberg. Users will experience trading as they never have before.

STFX GameFi Roadmap

STFX will feel like a progression game for many users. Our ideas tend to replicate what you would see in MMO and RPG games. Character development, but as a manager or investor, where time invested equates to rewards, from experience and boosts, badges, achievements, cash prizes and more.

STFX Tokenomics Roadmap

In crypto, a project is only as good as its coin. We will be bringing huge utility for the $STFX token in the coming months, integrated entirely in the whole ecosystem and the dApp. Owning and staking the $STFX token will give users a wide range of perks and benefits.

Leveling & Tokenomics Whitepaper

To close out March, we shared the Leveling and Tokenomics whitepaper with our community. Two of the main requests from the STFX community were bigger vaults, and more token utility. The whitepaper helps break down exactly how both of these implementations will come into fruition in the coming months.

Give it a read here:


We pride ourselves on the strength of the community we have built at STFX. We always ensure to keep the community up to date on all current and future changes happening. We host regular community events that we encourage everyone to take part in; Trading Thursdays, and Twitter Spaces.

Trading Thursdays is a Discord voice call and Discord stream we host every week at 17:00 UTC, where the team, ambassadors and community come together to discuss markets and STFX. Feel free to join our Discord and take part!

We typically host a Twitter Spaces every 2–3 weeks where our team discusses everything STFX related and answers any questions put forward by the community.

Here is the link to our latest Twitter Spaces. Please feel free to give it a listen, and feel free to come up with your own questions for the next time.

Important Links

Make sure to keep up to date on all things STFX



STFX dApp:

STFX Docs:




The Social Exchange 👉 Social Trading & Automated Investment Opportunities, all On-chain.