STK Progress Update: May 11, 2018

STK Token
STK Token
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2018

Today we’re introducing bi-weekly Progress Updates as part of our ongoing efforts to keep our community as up-to-date as possible on our progress, accomplishments and upcoming milestones. Our goal is always to be as transparent as possible, so while we are sometimes limited as to what we can share publicly, we are committed to providing as much information as possible to our STK network and community.

We’ll issue bi-weekly Progress Updates every other Friday here on our Medium Channel. As always you can follow any of our social channels for the latest updates on Telegram, Twitter, Discord and Reddit.

Here we go!

Recent Progress:

STK Smart Contract:

  • Deployed to Rinkeby Test Network: our payment channel library is live on Rinkeby test network
  • Internal security audit: validated the security of our smart contract to ensure it’s secure for mainnet launch by uncovering and resolving potential vulnerabilities

Payment Channel Demo (now available on

  • Polished UI/UX: updated our payment channel demo to be user-friendly, and easy to understand
  • Added functionality to request test STK tokens for use during the demo
  • Published demo to our community! Thanks to everyone who’s participated so far!


  • Added integration test to catch bugs locally
  • Added new endpoints to show available STK balance and wallet address on mobile
  • Dockerized STK backend server to make it easier to scale up in the future

STACK app integration

  • Added IOUs transaction functionality on mobile app: Mobile app can now sign an off-chain signature which the smart contract can use later on to claim the transaction
  • Connected to STK server endpoint

What we’re working on now:

  • Auditing the smart contract
  • Allowing user to create payment channel on mobile
  • Showing wallet address on mobile
  • Showing a conversion screen on mobile



Last week we attended Edcon (Community Ethereum Development Conference). It was great to connect with the Ethereum Developer community and showcase our progress. A lot of exciting things happening in the city, and we’re proud to be a part of the great work that’s being done to advance the adoption of cryptocurrency in Canada.

STACK Production Pilot Program:

STACK recently launched a Production Pilot. Users are being onboarded based on when they signed up to the STACK waitlist, so most STK community members will not likely be part of the first round of users. However, to make sure our community has early access to the STACK fiat app, we’ll be selecting a few members of our Telegram community to participate in the Pilot. You must be a Canadian resident and over the age of 19 to be eligible. We’ll select members by random draw. Selected members will be notified by Friday, May 18. You can apply for an account here.


We’ll be hosting our next AMA (Ask Miro Anything) with STACK CEO Miro Pavletic on Thursday, May 18 at 7 p.m. EST. You can bookmark the YouTube link here. It’s your chance to ask questions, give feedback and hear about what’s coming up. Hope to see you there!

That’s it for our first Progress Report. See you in a couple of weeks with our next edition!

The STK team.



STK Token
STK Token

A new cryptocurrency for instant payments at point of sale.