6 min readFeb 21, 2018


Hello STOW IT Token Community!

Today we want to introduce you to our advisor, Toni Lane Casserly.

Toni Lane is an artrepreneur in the Digital Currency and Blockchain Industry who co-founded CoinTelegraph and CULTU.RE, the virtual blockchain nation movement. She is an empath, investor, artist, advisory board member, transformational evangelist and founder who has been affectionately entitled “The Joan of Arc of Blockchain” by her peers and various publications.

​Miss Lane ​serves as an advisor to several notable companies, funds and family offices, including, but not limited to: SingularityU, Polymath Network, Ananas, Factom, The United Nations, Propy, HSBC, Cicso, P&G, Institute for the Future and St. Gallen Symposium. Miss Lane is grateful to have been given the opportunity to be of service toward these accomplishments, and retains the perspective that every idea of who a person “is” appears irrelevant in the face of time. True unconditional love and friendship; what matters.

We recently did an interview with Miss Lane where we delved deep into how she believes blockchain and the world of cryptocurrency will revolutionize the future as we know it.

How and When did you get into the world of Crypto?

2010 was a deeply existential year. I left art school to spend 3 months in silence meditating and studying higher consciousness. When you realize you are nothing, everything becomes possible. While restructuring my relationship to my “self” as I exist and the quantum states of reality, I asked 3 major questions: 1) What is my purpose? 2) Where is my love? and 3) What is the next big paradigm shift?

I was fortunate enough to spend the next year in studies. I started speaking on the dissolution of political theory and the disconnect our current system creates between our perception and reality. Our current system of democracy and government propagates the use of closed networks with low trust, secrecy and exclusion. This is inhuman. Aristotle said democracy is best of what we know, but it became abundantly clear we have so much more to learn. I knew I had to be a part of changing that process and eliminating the violence of this world.

These realizations lead me to Bitcoin. This was the paradigm shift I had been looking for.

What attracted you to the STOW IT Token?

STOW IT is addressing a business opportunity I find personally interesting. Our relationship to property and ownership will change through the next generation; the process has already started. College students who would formerly consider buying a home have spent their mortgage debt on a college education in an attempt to get a job. Is it any wonder so many people are leaving it all behind to live as digital nomads? And hey, just because you don’t want to spend more debt (this statement is ironic) on a house, that doesn’t mean you can’t still keep the jet skis and the camper you’ve had since high school! People will become more global, and the need for forms of value sharing and regenerative economic systems like STOWIT will drive this world into a new, more human way of being. Old industries like self-storage will become more and more decentralized in the future. Sharing value without a token, simple and cool. Sharing value and creating your own economy, awesome and interesting! STOW IT gaining the first mover advantage in decentralized physical storage (lol no, IPFS, STORJ, MaidSafe and STOWIT are nowhere near the same business, although computational storage is fascinating!), and will be the first to implement blockchain and tokens into a self-storage business.

Can you tell us about some of your personal projects and about CULTU.RE?

CULTU.RE is the idea that government should be competing for our citizenship instead of the incentives being presented other way around. We believe the future of government is radically different from the present-day version. We are helping update the archaic system into a new system that can organize our world. We seek to change the incentives to help solve the large-scale problems we currently face as a global economy. To learn more, watch this recent talk:

You have advised multinational companies and even the United Nations on Cryptocurrency. Where do you think the regulation will land within the United States and worldwide?

Regulation seems an inevitable beast, but I have found most things that look scary are actually small rabbits in disguise. If you look at the recent measures passed in Wyoming, there are many states and countries (Ukraine considering making ICOs tax free, Australia considering making bitcoin tax free), looking to be progressive on regulation to encourage the growth of the industry and their economy. The amount of wealth moving into and out of the cryptocurrency market is non-negligible, countries as well as their regulators are taking notice. I believe those who use positive and constructive regulation on crypto to boost innovation and economic prospects for their areas of reference will inevitably cause a ripple effect for others to do the same.

On a worldwide scale, the International Monetary Fund and Christine Lagarde have speculated on the need for a global standard. This seems concerning. I believe standards issues can be solved with product and infrastructure design, rather than further centralization; dictators are already looking at cryptocurrency as a way to own and control the money supply.

My hope is that more realize the velocity of innovation exceeds the need for unnecessary friction.

Where will ICO’s, Cryptocurrency, and Blockchain be in 5 years?

I think we will see a crash, scale, and re-emergence. Over the next 5 years there will be a huge shift in the way we think about labor and employment. Fewer and fewer individuals will have full-time jobs, or jobs at all, and the idea of ownership will become less important. There will be a shift in the way we think about value itself. Ten years from now we will be looking at a new market that has a different set of beliefs and structures.

Anything else we should know about you or your accomplishments?

I strive to use blockchain technology to further ubiquitous access to human rights, create peace and eliminate violence of all forms. Life is so short. We have a responsibility to be kind to one another. Little known and yet excessively important fact: Charles Darwin did not coin the term “survival of the fittest”. In fact, his actual philosophy was quite the opposite. “Sympathy will have been increased through natural selection,” Darwin wrote in The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, “for those communities which include the greatest number of the most sympathetic members, would flourish best, and rear the greatest number of offspring.” We must embrace our innate capabilities and capacities for compassion if we are to survive as a human race, so I make it my mission to live the standard. Hopefully, my actions can encourage others to have better behavior. As we watch the fall of ego, I believe our continued innovation should rise through the heart.

Over the next few weeks we will be introducing you to the rest of the STOW IT team and advisors. Be sure to join the group on Telegram to keep up with our announcements.

If you are just learning about STOW IT and the STOW IT Token we recommend reading our WHITEPAPER and visiting the STOW IT Token Website.

Thanks for reading!

