History About Casinos(Part 1)

4 min readOct 26, 2021


Whenever there is a group of people together, they will always find a way to gamble. It has been documented that even the early civilizations of humankind have been linked with a history of some sorts of a gambling game. As civilizations improved their living conditions so did the gambling games. It got to the point where institutions or a group of people wanted to control the environment and as well as earn the profits from these gambling games.

These people started to create gambling houses in Europe where many historians believe that casinos originated. These gambling houses were the earliest forms of casinos which we know today. A famous example is that in France, during the reign of Louis XV, gambling establishments for the upper class and common people became popular. With the rise of social unrest, the French Revolution started which collapsed the monarchy at that time, and with it, the lack of restrictions on gambling which led to an increase of gambling establishments.

Years after the French Revolution, Emperor Napoleon imposed some restrictions on gambling, but it was legalized once again in 1907 when the Third Republic was established.

In another part of Europe, in Italy, there is not much information on the detailed origins of casinos and while the precise political background is unknown, there is the Casino di Venzia which was founded in 1638 and is said to be the oldest casino of the world.

In Germany, the oldest casino recorded was established in Baden-Baden, which is also world renowned as a recreational area, and we cannot forget the casino in Wiesbaden, that was later established in 1771. Finally, there is a casino in England called “Crockford”, which is the oldest casino in the world still in operation to this day.

Apart from Europe, the United States is by far the most famous country in the world today that has well known casinos. From a historical perspective, it is a relatively modern. In 1931, casinos in the U.S. were legalized in Nevada, and by the 1940s, the desert town of Las Vegas had rapidly developed into a casino town. By the late 1960s and 1970s, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Senegal, and the State of New Jersey began to legalize casinos, and new casinos were built one after another.

Generally speaking, casino games started from the upper class in Europe as a popular pastime, and although it has been affected by laws and regulations it has still continued to thrive. Starting from the 1960s, huge casino cities, such as Las Vegas, have been built with lavishly decorated buildings and are mostly designed around a single theme, such as the Great Egyptian Pyramids or the exotic Southern Islands. New casinos that target families and locals tend to develop faster and in addition, the content offered is not exclusively to “casinos games amenities”, but also includes shows, resorts, and other entertainment.

As a side note, casinos in Europe and other parts of the world do not share the same mindset as Las Vegas, and that there are many casinos still to this day that set strict dress codes.

One of the shortcomings of the casino business is that the casino games themselves are not being differentiated from other companies. Casinos try to attract customers to their business with other unique content like entertainment shows. Even if the entertainment show itself is operating at a loss, the reality is that the business model of earning revenue by having visitors drop money in the “non casino gaming amenities” has sadly become the industry standard.


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