How to Remove SUNC/ETH LP After Unstaking. How to Sell SUNC & xSUNC(Smartphone)

5 min readNov 16, 2021


Hello Sunrise Gaming Friends!

We are excited to inform how to remove SUNC/ETH LP on Uniswap after unstaking and how to sell $SUNC & $xSUNC on Uniswap with your smartphone.

For PC users, please have a look at the following article.

1. How to Remove a SUNC/ETH LP after Unstaking

After unstaking a SUNC/ETH LP on our website through your smartphone you will need to remove it on Uniswap if you choose to liquidate.

If you haven’t unstaked a SUNC/ETH LP, please go to the link below.

Please make your wallet connected with Ethereum Main Network through the web browser with your smartphone. If you are not sure, go to the link below in order to get ready.

Please enter the URL( This will take you to the Uniswap V2. Please select “Pool” when the screen shown below appears.

Please go to “View V2 Liquidity”.

The screen shown below will appear if you keep SUNC/ETH LP on Uniswap. Please select the “Remove” button.

First you will need to “Approve”.

Press the “SIGN” button.

Enter the amount that you would like to remove and select “Remove”.

All that is left is to “Confirm” the removal.

Please “Confirm” if the estimated gas fee is acceptable.

Well done! It doesn’t show SUNC/ETH LP anymore, if you completely remove it.

2. How to Sell SUNC & xSUNC

Make your wallet connected with Ethereum Main Network through the web browser as shown below. If you are not sure, go to the link displayed below.

In this case, we will show you how to sell $xSUNC. However, please note that the way to sell your $xSUNC is the same as $SUNC. Please select the token.

SUNC Contract Address: 0x692accdd8b86692427e0aa4752ae917df01cc56f

xSUNC Contract Address: 0xbf4d18ae16f2deeb1e24a3c85b5f9dcc41d4a09e

Please enter the amount which you would like to sell and press “Allow the Uniswap Protocol to use your xSUNC”.

Please “Approve” if you accept the estimated gas fee.

Now you can select “Swap”.

Please press the “Confirm Swap” button.

Select “Confirm” if the gas fee is acceptable. And congratulations! You have now sold $xSUNC and received $ETH. Please be patient until the process will have been executed as it will take some time.


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“Our token, SUNC”

SUNC Contract Address: 0x692accdd8b86692427e0aa4752ae917df01cc56f

xSUNC Contract Address: 0xbf4d18ae16f2deeb1e24a3c85b5f9dcc41d4a09e

SUNC/ETH LP Address: 0x692accdd8b86692427e0aa4752ae917df01cc56f




Sunrise Gaming is dedicated to make casino games decentralized as well as make all the games trackable on its native blockchain.